The Mission

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Hello again. Its been a while since we last talk. Well if you're lost in the plot line so far, let me recap. 

So. I was minding my own business when suddenly I saw this little tent. I had a sudden urge for some reason, so I decided to step in there. As I did, I saw a little old man, sitting behind this orb. He gestured me to sit across from him, and so I did. He read my future, it was sort of bizarre.

Talking about the war, and what's been happening. But there was this one part that I was skeptical about. It was an image of me and a human holding hands, there was a heart hovering over us. I didn't want to believe that I would fall in love with a human. But at that moment, one of the royal guards came in and ushered me out. 

He said that my father wanted to speak to me for some strange reason. So, I was escorted back to the castle, where my father waited in his office. He told me that I had to travel to the lands, in the hope to bring peace across the world.

So that's where we are now. I was told that I should be leaving by tomorrow morning. That would mean I would have so little time to say goodbye to my brothers and father, also packing. But the real question is, how am I suppose to walk the land if I don't have any legs?

I decided to ask my father at dinner, but for now, I should worry about what to pack. I guess the usual clothes and basic necessitates, but what else would I need to pack? I have no idea, so I'm just not gonna worry about it.

By the time I finished packing, it was dinner time. I headed down to the dining room, where all of my brothers and my father were sitting at the table. The food was already set out on the table.  

I went and took my place at the dining table, my brothers were already eating, but my father was looking straight at me.

I kind of shuffled in my seat, uncomfortable. But finally, my father spoke. "So Kreios. Have you gotten everything you needed packed?"Yes." I answered.  My father nodded in acknowledgment. It was an awkward silence after that.

I continued eating my dinner when suddenly one of my brothers decided to ask me a question. "So Kreios, are you afraid of going up to the surface and meeting the two-legged beings?". I had to think about it for a little bit, but finally, I came up with an answer. "I am nervous because one, I'm going onto unknown land, two I got to be around the enemy, and three I fear that I will fail this mission and the merpeople."All of my brothers just looked and laughed at me.

"Oh dearest Kreios, there's no need to be scared," one of my brothers said, "Indeed brother. Us merpeople are very intimidating, so I wouldn't have any doubts when facing the humans" my other brother assured me.

I still had my doubts, I mean we haven't encountered humankind in more than a decade.  What if I say the wrong things, and make the other side hate us more then they already do? 

I ponder over this for a while, my stomach churning at the thought. Suddenly I didn't feel like eating anymore. So I excused myself from dinner and headed upstairs to my room. There I laid on my bed, churning the thought through my head multiple times.

I wouldn't be able to face my people if I failed this mission, but most importantly, I couldn't face my family knowing that I failed to bring peace for both the merpeople and the land walkers. But all I can do is pray for the best, and hopefully, this mission can save us all.

Two Kingdoms, One story: LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now