Prince of The Sea

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My name is Prince Glaucus Iapetos Perseus. But most people call me Kreios. If you have read the introduction before reading this, then good for you. But if you haven't, then shame on you. If you haven't, then I'll explain myself.

I am the prince of the sea, as one may have guess from the title. I am the son of the great king, King Iapetos Daedalus Asklepios. If your wondering why the different surnames. My last name is actually from my mother's side. I only inherited my father's name. Anyways enough talk about that. I have six brothers, I'm the youngest of the seven, my mother died when I was very young, and we are at war with the "two-legged" beings for over a hundred of years.

My goal is to reunite the Sea kingdom and the Land kingdom again. I want the best for both my people and they're people. I just gotta find ways to have both of kingdoms meet up, and talk about it. But how am I gonna do that with a tail. That's right I'm a merman. Your probably wondering, well I'll tell you.

It all begin back, when the two kingdoms were ruled by the two kings. The king above was nice, sweet, and caring. He wasn't the type to start conflict. The King of the Sea, was also a kind, caring, king. But one day the Sea King's daughter went above the ocean, and fell in love with a "two-legged" being. They talked and eventually got married. And then later, they soon had a child. A healthy baby girl. The mother and the father both cherished the baby with all they're heart. But soon the father was drafted into a war, and died in it.

The mother was devastated to hear the news about her passing husband. She couldn't live without him. But she also has to be there for her daughter. So she seek out one of her husband's friends, that is able to take care of her baby girl. Because she knew she couldn't bring her down into the sea, fear of evil creatures lurking in the deep ocean.

She was able to find one of the friends. She told them, how they need to protect her baby from any harms way. Thankfully the friend agree, and took the baby from the princess's arms. Years later, the princess decided to come to the surface to see her daughter. But unfortunately she got stuck in a fishing net. A fisherman found her, and took her captive. She was used as an contraction. Then soon later, that same fisherman killed her. The Sea King was furious.

He declared war at the Land above, lasting for a hundred of years. Both kingdoms were in peril. Neither kingdoms could not go any longer. So they settle a mutual agreement, for both kingdoms to rest and stock up on supplies and soldiers. But neither kingdoms trusting each other, fear of one side attacking the other.

So the  mutual agreement lasted over a hundred years. And this is where we are at right now. Both kingdoms still at war. But my goal is again, to reunite the two kingdoms, and bring peace all around the world. So that both my people and theirs feel safe once again. People can now walk out of their homes without feeling anxiety, or of fear of someone dying and causing even more mayhem. But at last, I don't think both kingdoms will be the same, even if the war ended. People will have that feeling of being watched, watching their every moves to avoid anymore conflict.

I just want both kingdoms to feel safe, I'm not the type that would start conflict. But ever since the war, my father has ban everyone from going to the surface, since that's how he lost my mother. But enough sad talk, that was basically my whole life story and what not. But we shall meet again in the later future. Goodbye for now.

Word Count: 671 

Two Kingdoms, One story: LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now