The Other Mission

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Heyyyyyyy guys! It's your boy, Blaze! 

So, where we left off, I headed off to work but I'm not coming back home. Why? Well, after work I plan to sneak my way to my friend, Julie's house. There we will devise a plan for me to get to the main square and join the army without getting caught.

As I'm heading to work, I couldn't help but have that guilty feeling haunting me. I know I shouldn't have lied to my parents like that, not after all the things they did for me. But this will be my way of paying them back for all that they have done for me. I just know that they'll probably never forgive me for this. But I just have to remember that I'm doing this for the greater good.

I arrived at the docks and saw many fishermen at work. I headed straight towards my dad's boat and loaded the gear. 

I started the engine and set sail out towards the sea. I stopped at a reasonable distance far from the docks and started fishing. First, I took out the new fish gear that my dad had gotten me, then I started hooking my bait and casting out my line (Sorry, my knowledge of fishing is limited).

So far, nothing has happened yet. It looks like there's still not any fish left in the sea. 

I decided to give up when I caught something moving in the corner of my eye. I tried to get a closer look at what it was when suddenly it jumped out.

It had a strange shape to it, almost human-like but had a fishtail at the end. 

Could it be? Merfolk? I thought we were at war with them; what's one doing up here? 

As it was flying across, I couldn't help but admire it. It was truly stunning! Before it dived back into the waters, we locked eyes with each other. I think it scared it cause soon after, it started freaking out midair, landing hard into the seas.

I rushed to the other side to see if I could catch another glimpse of it. But sadly, I guessed it swam away. I looked longly at the water, hoping for the mystery merperson to come out. Maybe it was just exploring the surface, you know, got curious. Well, whatever business it had up here, I wish I could see them again, maybe try and talk to them, get to know them. I honestly don't get this war between humans and merpeople; I honestly think they're not all that bad. We humans had made a mistake in the past, but hopefully, we can change the future.

 I just hope that merperson is okay, maybe I'll get to see them again.

(Hey yall, I know it has been months maybe longer since I last wrote anything on this account. I have just been super busy with life itself, especially now I'm a senior citizen. Jk tho, but now I have to worry about passing my classes in order to graduate. I just kinda felt like writing today for some reason, as I'm waiting to go to the beach. But I hope yall enjoy this chapter. Till next time and hopefully, it won't be too long, but I doubt it.) Kittybonbonsweets

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