•...fox <3...•

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                      modern au

(Childe's) pov

childe slowly opens his eyes while the sun was shining brightly, "mm.." childe looked around but not seeing zhongli anywhere he just assumed zhongli already went to work,

childe got up and headed to the bathroom, he went up to the sink and started washing his face, but when he looked up to see himself in the mirror he saw..FOX EARS?

childe's eyes widened at the sight, "uhh..was i cosplaying last night??" childe spoke to himself, he went and touched the fox ears he had when he felt the sensation he knew he wasn't dreaming,

childe started to panic and pace around the floor, 'WHAT IS HAPPENING?! WHAT AM I GONNA TELL ZHONGLI?'

childe thought to himself, it got ALOT worse when he turned his head and saw his fluffy orange tail with a white tip at the end.

"this has to be a dream.." childe whispered to himself, 'alright..hiding this shouldn't be that hard right??' childe thought, he went to his closet and found a hoodie big enough to cover his ears,

and for his tail he just tucked it in his pants, "this is so uncomfortable.." childe said he spent his day like normal he ate breakfast, took a shower, and cleaned the house, all while still hiding his ears and tail which was kinda difficult but he went through it.


childe grew extremely anxious because he knew zhongli would be home soon, 'what if he finds out..!?' thoughts consumed childe's head,

"how am i gonna explain to him.." childe said quietly, "explain what?" childe heard a gentle and tired voice he immediately knew whose voice it belonged to,

"h-hey li!" childe spoke, but zhongli only hummed in response 'hmm? oh he must be tired..ill leave him to rest,' childe thought as he went up to the kitchen to start cooking dinner,

once childe finished cooking dinner he went to their room before knocking,

"li? it's time for dinner," childe said quietly, the door opened and revealed a tall and tired man, "awh li, if your tired then you don't have to eat dinner," childe said

"it's alright childe," zhongli said before wrapping his arms around the ginger, "why are you wearing my hoodie hm?"

zhongli whispered in childe's ear,
"o-oh sorry i didn't know," childe said as his face began heating up,
"it's alright i was just curious," zhongli said before letting go and headed to the kitchen with childe following,

once the two finished eating dinner childe went and washed the dishes, when he finished washing the dishes he went back to their bedroom to rest,

he opened the door and saw zhongli already sleeping, childe plopped himself on the bed and moved himself closer to zhongli's chest not noticing his hood took off, a few minutes later childe had already fallen asleep,


(Zhongli's) pov

zhongli's eyes slowly opened, he looked down and saw the orange haired man all nuzzled up on him,

'how cute..' zhongli thought, but the realization hits him, zhongli saw the ginger had FOX EARS??

he went and touched the fox ears to see if he wasn't dreaming but once he did the ginger's ear twitch which was kinda cute to the brunette,

'oh? so i'm not dreaming?' zhongli thought, a few minutes has passed while zhongli kept playing with the others fox ears he found it very adorable,

childe started waking up slowly, once he opened his eyes he saw zhongli, "good morning childe.."

zhongli said quietly, "g'morning li..." childe said almost whispering while rubbing his eyes, "mind explaining?" zhongli said as continued to caress the others ears, "hmm? explain what?"

childe said still confused, "explain the ears," zhongli spoke while childe was still processing but then he remembered,

'shit..he saw it..' childe thought, "i-i don't really know what happened.." childe said, "hm, alright then," zhongli spoke still rubbing the others ears,

while the other would let out small whimpers "zhongli..stop.." childe said, "hmm whyy" zhongli said smiling, "alright fine," zhongli said letting go of the others ears, childe went out the room to the kitchen, "ngh.. i can finally get this tail out.." childe whispered while he revealed his fluffy tail,

zhongli went out the room having finished showering, once he got out of the room he immediately saw the orange haired man's tail,

he went up behind him and hugged him from behind, "l-li?" childe said as he felt the other pat his tail, the other tried pulling away but unfortunately failed, the other kept petting and rubbing his tail, "your not gonna let go are you?" childe spoke "hmm i don't think so" zhongli said while childe sighed accepting his fate

rip childe 💀💀

hello there :)) thx for reading this chapter i hope u enjoyed <33 ill see u in the next one :33

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