•...your not mine <3...•

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                 modern au again

ah zhongli handsome as ever, childe was once more staring at the brunette without realizing it, 'mr. zhongli is so pretty..'

childe thought before someone tapped his shoulder, it was ningguang the manager, "staring at the ceo again i assume?" ningguang spoke grinning, "o-of course not!"

childe responded, "mhm, whatever you say," ningguang spoke teasingly, "why would i be staring at him anyway? it's not like i like him.." childe said quietly,

"what?? you obviously do!" ningguang whisper yelled, "whatever, he probably doesn't even like me back.."

childe whispered back, "ughh you guys are hopeless.." ningguang said walking away, childe watched as the other walked away before looking back at the tall brunette,

'childe is staring at me again..' zhongli thought as he felt the ginger staring at him again, he turned to look at the ginger but once he did the other quickly turned away, zhongli couldn't help but smile softly at the reaction, "he's so adorable.." zhongli whispered

~the next day~

childe was walking to the hallways when he heard a few employees gossiping he was about to walk away but when he heard the name 'zhongli'

he quickly stopped and listened, "did you hear? mr. zhongli has a partner!" the girl spoke,

"mr. zhongli!? the ceo!?" the other girl spoke, "mhm!" when childe heard that his eyes widened, but what was he expecting? zhongli would never like him back,

still tears streamed down his eyes non-stop, 'why am i crying? i knew this would happen..but why does it still hurt?..' childe thought to himself before sprinting away,

he didn't care where he was going, he didn't care if he bumped into people, all he wanted was to run away, he kept running until he bumped into someone,

he looked up to see ZHONGLI? 'archons why'd i have to bump into him..' childe thought before more tears fell down from his eyes,

"c-childe? are you okay?" zhongli said with concern, childe only looked away not wanting to face zhongli at the moment,

"childe.. what's wrong..?" zhongli said gently, "p-please.. go away.." childe spoke quietly, zhongli cupped the others face to make him look at the crying ginger,

"Ajax..tell me why are you crying..?" zhongli said more sternly, childe's eyes widened when he heard the mention of his real name,

"d-dont call me that.." childe spoke, "then tell me what's wrong," zhongli raised his voice slightly,

"no.." childe said in response, zhongli sighed "fine," zhongli said before grabbing childe's wrist and dragging the ginger,

"hey! where are you taking me?" childe said trying to pull away but failed, zhongli finally lets go when they went in a room, zhongli locks the door behind them before walking up to childe,

childe tried backing away but zhongli has pulled him by the waist, childe's face turned red of how close they were childe avoided the others gaze,

"childe, tell me what's wrong? why were you crying? did someone hurt you?" zhongli said sternly yet still concerned,

childe thought for a moment whether he should say it or not, 'screw it..' childe thought, "i have liked you for awhile now but i didn't say anything because i knew you wouldn't like me back, and i was right, i figured out you already have interests in someone else..."

childe explained while tears started to form in his eyes, zhongli looked in shock, "childe..who told you i have interests in someone else?.."

zhongli asked "i-i heard two girls talking about you.." childe said, "and you believed them? you know they just like spreading false rumors," zhongli said,

"s-so you don't have a girlfriend?.." childe asked, "of course not, i prefer men anyways.." zhongli said while childe's face started heating up,

"o-oh..well im sorry for worrying you," childe said embarrassed, "i like you childe, i really do, so don't believe them, okay?"

zhongli said leaning towards childe, childe's eyes widened and he turned into a deeper shade of red, "you l-like me?" childe said, "yes, alot"

zhongli replied, before childe could respond zhongli placed his lips onto the others, childe hesitated before kissing back, they pulled away leaving a string of saliva, "i love yo-

"HEY DAD" zhongli was cut off by hu tao, "oh whoops-" hu tao spoke, "sorry didn't mean to disturb you guys~" hu tao said teasingly,

"hu tao we weren't doing anything.." zhongli said pulling away from childe, "yeah yeah whatever," hu tao spoke,

"what did you need?" zhongli spoke, "oh yeah, xiao left his lunch box so i wanted to ask if you could drive me to his school!"

hu tao said, "alright then get in the car we'll follow," zhongli spoke, "alright! make sure you bring your boyfriend too!"

hu tao said while walking away, "let's go Ajax," zhongli said while grabbing the others hand, "o-of course," childe said smiling he's finally together with his crush,

omg im finally done procrastinating :DD thx for reading this chapter i hope u enjoyed! i hope u have a great day/night <33

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