•...pills <3...•

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childe was in the bathroom currently having a breakdown, childe had fresh scars on his arms from cutting, childe hoped this would help, but the scars didn't help, just then he saw a bottle of pills,

"m-maybe this could work.." he said before grabbing the the bottle of pills and pouring a good amount on his hand, he grabbed a glass of water first before swallowing all the pills at once,

a few minutes later, childe was still crying, when he suddenly became dizzy, it was the pills affecting him, childe was too dizzy and nauseous to stand up and drink water so he just sat on the bathroom floor hugging his legs,

'i-i hope zhongli doesn't come home early..' childe thought, but unfortunately, childe heard the door open, his eyes widened and quickly forcing himself up to lock the door,

he cursed at himself while stumbling, "childe, im home early," zhongli took off his shoes waiting for the ginger to come and greet him, but after awhile of waiting childe still wasn't there,

zhongli decided to look for him, he looked almost everywhere but still didn't find the ginger, there was one more place he hasn't checked though, their bedroom, so he went in the room and peeked inside,

"childe? are you in here?" zhongli heard noises from in the bathroom, zhongli walked up in the bathroom door and knocked, "childe? im home," no reply, "childe?" still no reply, "dear? love? darling?" nothing, "childe please answer..are you alright.. please just answer so i can know that you're okay.."

zhongli started to get even more worried, luckily for him he knew how to pick locks, he opened the door and entered quickly, zhongli's eyes widened, he saw childe sitting on the floor hugging his legs covering his face, the pills all over the floor, and you can hear childe's small sniffles,

"darling.." was all zhongli could say before walking up to the crying ginger slowly as to not scare him, just as zhongli was about to embrace him, childe backed away not wanting to be touched at the moment,

zhongli understood and quickly stopped and sat next to childe, "i thought you wouldn't do this anymore..." zhongli looked at him,
"i... i'm so sorry.." childe said wiping his tears away, "it's okay, i'm not mad, no need to apologize, i understand life is hard right now, especially with all the things you have to deal with at the moment, just know that this isn't the only solution, you have me, you can always talk to me and we'll get through this together, so please, refrain from hurting yourself, it pains me to see.."

zhongli said staring at childe tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, childe started tearing up once more, hearing those words, made him feel loved and cared for which he hasn't felt in a long time,

he slowly went closer to zhongli and wrapped his arms around his neck, childe started sobbing once more, "shh.. it's okay.. let it out.." zhongli said as he rubbed circles around childe's back,

after awhile of crying and comforting, childe calmed down and was now silently sniffling, "childe?" childe hummed in response, "are you feeling better love?" childe nodded while blushing a little, those sweet nicknames zhongli gave him made him weak to the knees,

"let's get you cleaned up yeah?" once more childe nodded, they both stood while zhongli still had his arms wrapped around childe's waist for balance,

they both went to their bedroom, childe sat down while zhongli grabbed bandages and medicine for childe's cuts, zhongli sat down next to him and started cleaning up childe's scars,

childe hissed at the pain, "ah.. sorry, i'm trying to as gentle as i could," zhongli spoke, "it's alright, i know you don't mean it, it just stings alot," childe said before gasping at the pain, luckily the rest of the cleaning went smoothly,

once they finished up they changed to sleep wear and cuddled on their bed, "childe, how many did you take?" zhongli asked playing with the other's hair, "don't worry, i didnt take alot.." childe spoke the truth, the amount he took wasn't a big of a threat,

"alright, but we're still going to the hospital tomorrow to make sure you're gonna be alright, is that okay?" childe nodded and moved himself closer to zhongli's chest, zhongli kissed the top of childe's head and smiled in relief,

"i'm so glad you're alright.. don't scare me like that ever again.. have a good night darling.." and with that, his eyes grew heavy and eventually fell asleep,

zhongli + free therapy?? fr tho i need a guy like zhongli in my life 😭😭 anyways bye you horny bitches,

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