•...confession <3...•

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this is it, today is the day where childe would confess to one specific person, zhongli, he has had a crush on the brunette for a long long time now, just never had the chance to confess properly,

childe had wrote a letter to zhongli and put it in his locker, he was both really excited and really nervous, "hm? what's this?" zhongli said as he grabbed the letter from his locker, he carefully opened the letter and written on it was,

'please meet me at the park after school, thank you :)

- childe'

he smiled when he read who it was from, it was his best friend, childe, "i wonder what it could be this time." zhongli thought out loud as he returned to class,

... (≧∇≦) ...

"what if he doesn't like me back? what if he thinks im disgusting?" childe was panicking like crazy and had been saying all the negative things he can think of,

"what if-" childe got cut off when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see who it was and it was none other than, zhongli, "ah..li you're here earlier than i thought,"

childe said trying to calm down his heart from beating so fast, "yeah, i finished my homework early," zhongli said as he stood next childe, "so, why'd you call me here?" zhongli said with his contagious smile that made childe's heart go crazy,

"o-oh that, uhm..well" childe said as he took a deep breath, childe held zhongli's hands, "ive been meaning to tell you something.." he took one last breath, and closed his eyes "im inlove with you.. ive been for awhile.." zhongli's eyes widened and he couldn't say anything, he just stared at him,

childe slowly opened his eyes and grew anxious when he saw the others reaction, "haha..just kidding!" zhongli tilted his head, he was so confused,

"i lost a bet and the punishment was to confess to you..ha" childe said as he looked down, "a-anyways, i-im sorry i wasted your time.." childe said turning away, tears started streaming down his cheek uncontrollably,

after a moment, sniffles could be heard, "i-i have to go.." childe said before running away, "w-wait!" zhongli said but it was too late.. after running for what felt like years, he finally got to his house,

childe slowly opened the door and immediately ran to his room, changing clothes he suddenly regretted what he did, "ugh..that was so embarrassing..i didn't even give him a chance to answer,"

he said before plopping himself on his bed, he covered himself with a pillow, "i never should've confessed.." childe said before going to sleep,

lol why did i make this 💀 anyways let me know if u want a part 2, thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!

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