•...pocky <3...•

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zhongli was peacefully reading a book in the library and he was alone because not many people goes to the library anyways,

"zhongli~" zhongli paused hearing a familiar voice, he turned to look at who it was and unsurprisingly, it was childe, and he was holding a red box with 'pocky' spelled infront,

childe took a seat next to the brunette and presented the treat to the other, "good morning childe, may i ask what is it you're holding?" zhongli said closing the book he was reading after he put a bookmark so he wouldn't loose the page,

"it's called pocky! hu tao gave me this and she said there was a game you could play with it!" childe said as his eyes sparkled in excitement, "mm, and how does the game go?" zhongli asked curiously and also nervously since childe was often reckless when it comes to moments like these,

childe took out one of the pocky out of the box, "it's where two people bites on both ends of the pocky, and whoever pulls away first loses," childe said before putting the pocky in his mouth, "i suppose you want to play, with me?" zhongli asked already knowing the answer,

childe nodded as zhongli puts the other end of the pocky in his mouth, they both kept biting on their side of the pocky, zhongli did want to kiss the other so he didn't back out, then he heard a snap, "aw, it broke, how about another one?" zhongli nodded as childe pulled out another chocolate stick out of the box,

the pocky kept breaking as soon as they were inches from each other, zhongli was getting impatient at this point, 'there's one more pocky..' zhongli thought as childe placed the treat in his mouth with zhongli following, as soon as their faces were inches from touching the pocky snapped,

but this time zhongli took hold of childe's chin and kissed him, childe smiled in the kiss he has been breaking the pockies on purpose just to make zhongli impatient, they pulled away needing to catch their breath,

"impatient much dear?" asked childe teasingly, "only when it comes to you love," zhongli said as he licked his lips tasting the leftover chocolate, he

opened his book once more pleased that he finally got what he wanted, childe plopped his head on the tallers shoulder, "how about i bring strawberry flavor next time?" childe asked as he looked up on his boyfriend, "mhm, sure my love,"

uhm so ive been gone for like..a few months?? ISKSIEJIDNSIAK so yeah, hope u enjoyed this chapter tho, and sorry if it's rlly short didn't have much ideas, :((

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