chapter 8

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"Do you think it's a good idea?" I asked clearly worried

"Don't worry, I told you I don't actually burn" arthit replied, leading the way silently

"Yea, but it does hurt you" I stated, did he not feel it?

"It's fine, I can endure a little for you" He replied, winking at me playfully

I smiled back, following him quietly after that, it would take not more than ten minutes to reach to the library anyways

The day was rather sunny and I did not want to have arthit roaming around in the fire like sunlight, but he insisted that he would be alright

I really wanted to go over and grab some new books and maybe even read a few, sitting there in peace, though I had planned to do this alone but having arthit with me, only made it better

"How much do you love books?" Arthit asked, as we walked inside the library

A bit more than I love you

Shit! He is capable of hearing my thoughts, I hate myself more than anything in this entire universe!

Arthit lowly chuckled and we made our way to the fiction section with my cheeks tinted red and head hung low

"I will make sure that changes, pretty soon" arthit replied, smirking slightly

He is going to be the death of me, it was crazy how I had confessed to him that I loved him out of the blue, it was the weirdest confession ever

And wait what? He was going to change that? What did he mean? Was he going to make me love him more or not love him at all?

"Stop thinking, find yourself a book now will you?" Arthit asked softly, pulling me to walk in the front now

His icy cold finger tips made shivers run down my spine, I wanted them on me, I wanted him to hold me, no matter how cold they made me feel, one touch and I was obsessed

Nonetheless, I tried to ignore it and found myself a book, a typical fantasy and sat down, right there, in between the shelves, it was my favorite spot

Arthit sat down beside me, he held no book and instead just stared at me, with that smile playing on his lips

"Aren't you going to read?" I asked rather confused

"I can just read the book you are reading, through your thoughts" arthit replied, tilting his head to one side

Can I not just grab him and kiss him so damn hard?

Arthit chuckled again and I wanted to hide, can I just stop thinking nonsense already?

I fixed my eyes onto my book and began reading, I could feel his constant stare on me, was he reading too, from my mind? He probably was

We sat there for another thirty minutes and I was bored of the book in my hands, it was not as good as I had expected it to be and so I just decided to put it away

"Not liking it enough?" Arthit asked, as he stood up with me

I shook my head with a tiny pout on my lips and I could feel him staring, being the tease I was, I didn't fix it and kept pouting the whole while, it felt good to know that I affected him too, even if just a tiny bit

"Kong.." He called

My heartbeat dimmed, it was the first time he had actually used my nickname, I loved the way it rolled off his tongue

Composing myself, I just hummed in response, pretending to look for a new book as a replacement for the previous one

"Stop doing that" He whispered

"Doing what?" I asked, playing dumb

I turned around to face him, his hands turned into fists on either of his sides, his eyes a dark red again, and his aura dripping with dominance

"You know what I'm talking about" He replied, trying his best to stay calm

I wanted to play it a little more and so I walked closer to him, our bodies just a few inches apart and so were our faces

"What exactly, Arthit?" I asked, mesmerised by his eyes

Those dark red orbs didn't scare me, instead they made me want to get closer to him, in all ways and means, he was my obsession

He stared down at me, or was it my lips he was staring at? We stood there, in silence for the next minute which seemed like an eternity before he pulled me even closer by my waist

He leaned in, his breath fanning my lips, and I swear it was cooler than any winter breeze, they were named the cold ones in every literal sense

He eyed me once more, as if giving me last chance to push him away and run far far away, to leave him here, all alone, but I was not going to, leaving him alone wasn't even the last thing on my list

I wouldn't leave, he sensed it and once he was sure, he connected our lips, moulding into one another as if meant to fix like a jigsaw puzzle, right in place

My hands lay on his shoulders while his hands snaked around my waist, his grip tightening every second, he surely had no idea of his physical strength

I was so lost into the kiss, so lost into him that I didn't notice him pushing me away until I heard his shivery voice

He stared at me, eyes filled with horror, now Hazel, staring at me with nothing but disappointment

Am I that bad of a kisser?

I cursed myself under my breath for thinking nonsense again, but it seemed like he was too busy in his own thoughts to be hearing mine

"I hurt you.." He whispered

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I let my finger touch my lower lip and I slightly groaned, it hurt, I pulled my finger back in sight only to notice slight blood, it was a cut

"Arthit, it's not your..." He didn't let me finish

"I hurt you, I told you I would hurt you, this is just the beginning and so it looks tiny, I'm capable of a lot more" He kept mumbling stuff, moving backwards

I tried approaching him, to calm him down, a tiny cut wasn't a big deal

"Kong, you affect me more than any human ever has, I can't seem to control myself around you.." He replied

Something in my heart jumped with joy, and I suddenly wanted to smile, run up to him, hug him and tell him that he didn't have to

"But it's never going to work, you are a fragile human, I can't afford to hurt you" He whispered

My heart fell into the pit of my stomach again, what does he mean by its never going to work? We can make it work

"I stepped a lot over my boundary, I thought I would be able to handle this, but no" He continued

I stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing what to say or do

"Let's get back to how we were, these last few days, they never happened" arthit decided

I purple you 💜

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