Chapter 3: Get along

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I woke up very early today morning as well. Actually, I couldn't sleep well last night because of the guilt of what I did to Sound yesterday. I realised I was wrong and his sad face image was still clear in my mind. Whole night I tried to think of the reason behind his sadness and he's not socialising in the new environment and ignoring everyone eventhough everyone was friendly with him. Was he bullied in his old school? Was he betrayed by his old friends? Did his closed ones leave him? What might be the reason? Ugh.... Why am I feeling so uneasy by it?

I got up from the bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I took a shower and got ready for the school. Then I headed downstairs to the kitchen but didn't get the reaction as yesterday by mom. She saw me then started to prepare breakfast for me.

"Is the School project work still not completed?" She asked me handing me the breakfast.

" Oh, yesterday I made some mistakes while doing it, So today I have to go early to do correction." Well, yah I decided to go to school early today to clean the mess I did yesterday. Hope, it would get me over my guilt a little.

"Whatever work it is but, I'm glad it made my lazy son get up early, hehe." Mom said jokingly.

After completing breakfast I then headed to school.


Arriving at school, I then had a little chat with the guardman at school and headed towards the classroom.

I took a towel from inside my bag, soaked it with some clean water and started cleaning the mess I made yesterday. The bench was still oily so I cleaned it again.
I then, cleaned the towel and let it dry in the window. I then headed towards the basketball court and start to play. I headed back to the classroom when everyone started to arrive so that no one would know I came early.

When I entered the classroom, Sound had already arrived and he was sitting besides Gun. Didn't he notice his seat has been cleaned? But it's good if he sits with Gun because it could make him willing to join our club. He maynot open up right now but soon he might because Gun is so kind that he is able to even melt the rock. I know it because I've been friends since we were kids.

"Hey Win, what's wrong? Why are you so preoccupied?" Yo asked me worriedly.

"Oh nothing much, I just got reminded of the movie scene I watched yesterday. Oh the teacher arrived." I tried to change the topic.

I couldn't concentrate at the class at all today. Why I'm being a busybody? His personal matter has nothing to do with me but why I'm so eager to know why he's sad and why he's being aloof?

"Ok students, Solve all the problems from Chapter 6 . I will check your answers tomorrow." Teacher wrote the Assignment details on the whiteboard and left the classroom.

"Damn this assignment sucks. Po send me your assignment pic in the group chat tonight early ok . So, I can copy. " Pat said.

"Well Sound, how are your grades? Do you too want to be included in our group chat?" Gun asked him.

"No thanks, I can do it on my own." Sound denied his offer. But well the words in his sentence has increased. That's a progress.


"Hey, Sound wanna come along?" Gun asked Sound to join us for lunch.

"No thanks, I can eat on my own."

"Well, this time you cannot say no. You have to come with us. " Gun forced Sound to tag along.

"Yeah, don't feel uneasy bro. Just chill we're all friends. Friends should hangout together." Said Pat.

"Yeah, no need to feel shy." Everyone said at the same time.

"Don't force him, he might not want to hang out with us. Just leave him alone." I said as I felt he was unwilling to join us.

"Uhm, fine I'll join you guys for lunch." Sound agreed to join us for lunch.

Damnit, was he my rival in past life? Why he always does opposite of what I say? I was just siding with him as I felt he was feeling uneasy being forced to join us. But whatever, it's good that he joins us for lunch.


We all ordered our lunch and took an empty seat on the corner of the canteen.

"Hey Sound, finally we get to have a good chat. Well myself Pat and hope we'll get along well." Pat started the conversation.

"I'm Po. If you need any help regarding studies or assignments you can ask me." Said Po.

"Hi, I'm Yo. If you need any help besides study you can come to me. " Said Yo.

"Hi, I'm Win. Sorry for last time. I didn't mean to startle you . I just wanted you to join our music club. But it's fine if you don't want to join." I said in a smooth tone.

" I'll join." He said in a low voice. Wait a minute. Did I hear it wrong?

"What did you say? Can you repeat ? I couldn't hear you properly. " I asked him.

"I said I will join your music club. " He replied.

"Wow, great now we're finally a complete band. Let's start practicing from today." Said Gun excitedly.

Everyone was happy. Well finally he started to open up and get along with us. Best part is he finally decided to join our music club. Finally we got our solo guitarist. Hope everything goes well from today onwards.

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