Chapter- 5 Realization

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[ Sound POV ]

I never thought it would turn out this way. I just wanted them to have some determination and seriousness while performing as the practice didn't go well. Actually, we couldn't perform full song as we're disturbed by the members time and again in the middle as each of them had something to do or say. Forget about the members even the club leader didn't seem serious as well.

It was my first day at the music club but I could sense that none of them looked serious about their club. They all seemed to join the club for chilling and slacking off instead of performing.

Gun, being the music club leader was supporting them in whatever nonsense they said instead of being strict. He was spoiling them way too much. So, I just wanted to make him realise how the leader should act like. I didn't want to snatch his position, I just want everyone to be serious and dedicated while practicing music. But, I really didn't expect Gun to leave the club.

Was I too mean earlier today? But what else could I do? None of them were serious and dedicated while practicing. I know my words came out cruelly as I couldn't control my anger. If they really are not serious about their club then why did they go through so much hurdles inorder to make me join this club?

I think I should just apologize to Gun tomorrow as I was too rude to him. And I will ask him to return to the club. His club members really love him and I don't want to separate them. Actually, I don't want to be a villain.

I just don't know what's wrong with that guy? What was his name? Ummmm........ Wi..... Ah Win.

Why he's always hyper and wants to fight with me. I know I misunderstood him in the first day of my school but I already forget about it but does he still hold grudge over it?

Everytime we talk we argue so, I try to maintain my distance with him but he always comes to quarrel with me. The same thing happened earlier, he was going on challenging and fighting with me that I got so angry that I ended up taking Gun's club leader position.

I really didn't have such intentions. But everytime I'm with Win, I end up doing something stupid in anger. He always makes my blood pressure high. I just wonder what does he eat to get such energy? He's loud and noisy whole day at school, a chatterbox, nosy, busybody, always whines and complains with his friends and doesn't forget to irritate me. But still he's in full energy mode while going home.

But yah, one good thing about him is that he loves his friends so much and he's a loyal friend. Everytime I misbehave with his friends he's the first one to get angry even when he's not the one involved in the argument. But wait.... Why I'm thinking about him? I don't like him. I just prefer maintaining my distance with him as he's too irritating and annoying.

"Son the dinner's ready, come to eat some." Mom wake me up from my thoughts.

"Ok, mom wait a second."

I then closed my textbooks. Actually, I couldn't focus on my study as I was thinking about today's incident. I'll continue my assignment after dinner as for now let's focus on food. I then headed towards the kitchen.

"How was your day at school today son? You seem very tired. Was there some problems at school today? Did your friends bully you?" Mom asked worried while serving dinner.

"No mom. Who dares to bully your son? Hehe." I said jokingly.

"Yah, sure. How can I forget how grumpy my son is. Not to forget his cold look whenever he's angry. I should instead worry about your friends, if they get bullied by you. Hehe... " Mom never fails to tease me.

"Stop it mom. I'm very well behaved person. Yah I get angry easily but I never bully anyone. And I've also made new friends there." Well it's true I made new friends but I messed it up.

"Mom but today I messed it up. I think my friends are angry with me." I couldn't help but tell my mom the truth. Actually I never hide anything from my mom. She is more like a friend than a mom to me. She always have a solution to my every life problems and I feel so grateful to have a mom like her.

"Why son what happened? Did you get into a fight with them? " Mom asked worriedly.

"Well... Actually on my first day of school they approached me to join their music club but I misunderstood them as I thought they came to bully me and had a little issue with one of them. And later, I knew the whole fact but still I refused their offer. But they were so persistent to make me join their club. Seeing their efforts and sincerity I decided to join their club. "

"But on my first day of practice, I found out that they are not so serious about music. All of them makes several excuses, likes to slack off way too much and not passionate about music. Even the club leader is not serious about music and spoils his club members so I got angry and suggested them to changed their leader and said some mean words which might have hurt them but I didn't mean it. " Mom kept listening to me patiently.

"Well then just go and apologize to them tomorrow son."

"That's not all mom. After that I asked to vote whom they want as their new club leader between me and him. But noone voted me. But the club leader decided to quit the club so I could be the new club leader. His eyes were full of tears and his friends all cried while he was leaving. I stood there dumbfounded as how it turned out. I seemed as an villain in that club. I never wanted to turn it out that way and now the club members hates me. What should I do mom?" I asked shaking her hands.

"Woah, you really messed it up son. I'm not quite sure but an sincere apology would work. I see you your intentions were not wrong but your way was wrong. So you have got to make them believe that you didn't mean it that way, all you wanted was them to be more serious and determined while practicing. Then just apologize to all of them sincerely specially to the club leader."

Mom really knows the best and she always helps me to solve my problems. I so lucky to have her. She's the best mom in the mom.

"Thanks alot mom for your advice. Tomorrow I will go and apologize to all of them and ask the club leader to come back." I smiled and finished my dinner and headed inside my room happily.

I sat in my usual seat but it was a bit lonely today as my seatmate was absent. Gun must have been very hurt by my harsh words. I turned back to apologize to other friends but they acted like I do not exist as for Win he seemed so angry that he could eat me alive. So, I decided to postpone my apology for later.

After class, I went straight to the music club and Chinzhilla gang also arrived for practice. I was about to apologize but their mood wasn't quite good so I couldn't utter my apologies as I was scared I would their anger level so I preferred to stay quiet. They just headed towards the practice section and got ready with their musical instruments so I too carried my guitar and took my position.

"Well... Let's continue from where we left yesterday." I said and everyone nodded their heads.

Then our music practice continued for a while and noone disturbed or made excuses in the middle today. The practice session went smoothly as I wanted but it wasn't lively as yesterday. The reason was quite obvious but I couldn't utter a word.

"Well that's it for today. Let's practice again tomorrow and yah you all performed very well today." I said while smiling but no one seemed cheerful, they just had a numb face.

"Well then we'll take a leave. " Yo said in a low tone and everyone followed him along out of the clubroom.

I must find a way to bring smile back on their faces. They practiced music as I wanted but it seemed like they were forcing it. They seemed to have lost their team spirit and interest. I felt like I was playing music with someone who lacks emotions.

I must bring back Gun. Chinzhilla seems lost and incomplete without him. I may lead them to practice properly but if it's forceful then it's better to not even start. I must apologize to him too as well as all the Chinzhilla members. I know my method was wrong and I shouldn't have said those harsh words. Now I realise how they must have felt when I ignored them before.

The first thing I will do tomorrow when I arrive at school is to apologize to Gun and all his friends and ask him to rejoin the club and take back his club leader position.

I hope Gun won't be absent tomorrow otherwise I will have to think of a new plan.

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