Hunting for Potassium

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After speaking with David Miranda, I immediately decided that I must indeed be a wolf if David Miranda said so. How could I have ignored my newly found babe's sweet potato smell? It was the scent of mates! I tried to sniff its trail using my nose, but it didn't work out to well as I just sniffed in dust particles and couldn't breathe. Finally, I decided what the best course of action was.

I have to stalk him (but in the good way). Quickly, I went to my locker which was only a few feet away from David Miranda's office and grabbed my gear.

Booty clenchers? Check.
Booty tracker? Check.
Ultimate Babe Butterfly Net? Check.
My Babe's Undies? Soon to be check.

I set out on the prowl. My wolf senses were kicking in. I roared for good measure, shocking a few people in the hallways, and tore out the front doors on the school. I was hungry for the banana.

"Meep, meep, meep!" I howled my mating call.

No answer.

I'll just have to find him myself. Pounding on the concrete, I ran multiple street corners, looking for the address 8483 Deeznuts Lane, where I knew for a fact he lived (Just took some snooping through the school files. No big deal.)

Using my now heightened smell, I sniffed again. Nothing. Nothing. Wait! There it was. That sweet potato Axe smell that I had become accustomed to during my day in gym. It was him.

Standing up straight, I put myself in hot babe mode. Swiping my hair back into the typical bed head look, swaying my hips as if I were hula hooping, and taking steps with a determined stride, I approached that aroma.

"I can't wait to mark my babe, I'll make sure to bite him in crescent shape so he can hide the mark from petty humans by tattooing a banana in the exact shape of the bite. He'll love it!"I gushed to myself as I finally approached his destination.
His back was turned, his tight T-shirt showing his back muscles rippling like a river. Smooth. Hesitantly, I squeaked a hi from behind him. I will finally get to grip his butt whenever we embrace.

He turned around. A huge smile rose on his face, his dimples crinkling his cheeks (sigh pant pant). His wavy dirty blonde hair shifted with the breeze, making him even sexier. I just stood there with my booty clenchers gripped tightly. The Sexiest Man Alive was mine. Finally, he said enthusiastically:

"Where have you been all this time beautiful?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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