True Love At First Sight

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My throat constricted at the sight of the Adonis look-alike. What had I been missing all these years? Had I been blind my whole life? How could I miss such a sexy babe? Especially with those eight-pack abs that begged to be stroked.

I struggle to control my stares and dreamy sighs as the hottie passed by, slightly brushing against my booty. OMG, I felt tingles at the contact.

"Saudi Arabia, I must consult the Wisest Of Da Wise and Overseer Of All Things Sexy, David Miranda Of The Overcast. At once! AT ONCE!!!" I screamed.

"All right, Master. But I shall bring a hunk of delicious Prestie bootay as a souvenir for today," Saudi replied, with desire for Da Gletoni dripping off every syllable. The look in her gaze said everything to me.

"All right. You may ask David Miranda about how you can ensure a relationship with Prestie. BUT make sure dat his booty is actually as firm as it looks because that is the deciding factor in whether a relationship shall flourish." I consented. If only I could be so bold in sneaking a butt squeeze from the object of my desire.

I called in for an appointment with the ever-busy Overseer, which would take place right at that moment as we were close friends with David Miranda.

We came into her office filled with a vast collection of framed photos of Jerry Gonzales. It was rather strange but of course, being the Overseer of All Things Sexy, we didn't mention anything. (I mean if they were pictures of that hunk in my gym class, I wouldn't be complaining.)

"Why have you come to seek my advice when rather you should be out there mingling with the babes of the school?" demanded a voice of authority and dominance. This was my school's very own love dictator, David Miranda the Babe. She has managed to date 1674 of the hottest babes in the country, including Harry Styles and Justin Bieber.

I bowed before her and said," Oh David Miranda, I have come to seek your knowledge over the troubled storm that is my heart. I have come to ask you about the hottie that has decided to dwell in my gym class and now resides in the very depths of my being. Oh ,Overseer of All Things Sexy, what shall I do to stake my claim over the man that now has all power over me (if you know what I mean)?

"Well, I must say that your truly blind for he has been in your gym class all year and must be quite stupid for not notifying, but noneoftheless, I truly see that you have a huge predicament on your hands. Stake your claim by biting him on the collarbone like a true wolf mate does," The Great and Powerful One screamed in agony.

"Wait, but I'm not a-."

"YOU ARE A WOLF DON'T QUESTION ME!" stated David Miranda. "Your defiance at your true nature leads me to think your love is not truly there. Go to your mate, GO NOW."

Meekly, like a potato, I simple nodded and went out to capture the heart of my mate.


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