Sexy Babe Alert

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Gym. A place where brutality and no mercy was enforced in order to stay alive. "Become allies, the betray." seemed to be the motto among the boys in class, yielding their menacing dodgeballs in search of victims. Usually, the weak and the frail were ignored in favor of the stronger opponents. Yet, in the end, you were always caught no matter what happened. I guess I was one of the luckier ones in a way as I was able to offer certain things in exchange for immunity. It didn't always last very long, but hey it was something.

Of course, I could just spend the time gossiping about......prepare yourselves......Carol. Horrid, backstabbing Carol. No fashion sense Carol. Just THE ultimate Carol. The Carol that just makes you want to go die in a corner. Always having to meddle into conversations and criticizing you on things she can't even do herself.

"Oh, Ana, do you need help with that ummmmm drawing? No offense, but if you like draw those eyebrows like this...... mmmm let me show you an example." End result: An array of slashes that looks more like the hair on a fat man's stomach rather than eyebrows.

"Errrr, umm I'll TOTALLY take your amazing advice into consideration Carol," I would say everytime, then turn away and keep working the same way I was before she came. There was just no way of saying no to her without her acting as if she was mortally wounded by my words.

Anyways,as I was saying before my rant against Carol, gym is just a simple code word for SAVAGERY! Nobody helped nobody. Everybody betrayed everybody. That's just how it went each and every day. It was like the freakin' Hunger Games except it was only an hour long special, and of course you didn't get the extra goodies and luxuries from those sympathetic sponsors awaiting in the wings. Nope, just pain.

Don't think today was any exception from not having to participate in what is supposedly "just dodgeball". Today was significantly different. Rather than having a normal dodgeball tournament this time around, we were being reduced down to a limited amount of area at which we were free to move around. Just great... JUST GREAT COACH WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS!

Of course, at least my friend, Saudi, would keep me company while we waited for our inevitable death by balls. Today's conversation would be no different from yesterdays but just as entertaining. All about Prestie Gletoni.

"Ermahgerd, look at how the hubby's shirt just pulled up! Oooh, eight pack abs alert! SWOON!" Saudi murmured softly to herself, her eyes zeroing in on the sliver of skin that appeared just above Prestie's shorts.

"I know, so delish," I replied back, sarcasm dripping off every single pronunciation. Although amusing, this conversation always had me thinking about my nonexistent love life, empty of hot, sexy babes.

"What's wrong?," Saudi immediately asked, detecting my sour attitude underneath my slightly amused expression. (I know, I'm totes a broody babe) "Just because you can't appreciate the chiseled masterpiece that is my hubby's abs doesn't mean you have to go all somber on me.... although now that I notice, his booty is so firm...," Saudi continued until my now raging anger snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Can't you just shut up for 1 minute? Gosh, I just wish I could find my own babe who I could just imagine shirtless all the time. SOB SOB SNIFFLE," my inner anguish ripped out, depression settling into my hot bod.

"Geez, If you had just told me that you were feeling all lonely like that, I would have like helped you find a hubby a long time ago," she stated, determination beginning to flash in her salisbury steak-colored eyes. "First, I, as the top matchmaker at Nigel Barker Inc., shall need to know where your interests lie before choosing the perfect man for you. Now, do you like big boys?....."she murmured on when suddenly there was a crash to the right of the gym.

Raising my eyes to the direction of the sound, my eyes greeted the most beautiful sight I had seen in all my 14 years of living.

A true sexy babe in the blood

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