Lesson 1

711 21 56

Asano Gakushuu POV

The car stops as I hold my breath, the gate is huge, but it's more like a fortress, almost as if to trap someone in. "Waldorf School for troubled teens" is a school, by name itself, but prison by its acts.
Or so I've heard.
I look at my father apathetically staring at me, waiting as I make my way out with my bags.
Ever since the "incident",  the only conversation we've had is the one where he told me he'll be dropping me off here.

This person dressed in white robes, greets my father  and I at the door at the door. I take one last look outside because I can tell I'll be stuck here for a while.
This school is where parents send the most f#cked up nutcases. I'm not sure if I've earnt that title even, but in my father's mind I have, in his eyes I see cold contempt, and disappointment. Without protest, I follow.

The first thing I notice as I walk in, is not the building, but a student with red hair. What an obnoxious colour red is. I've never liked it. I wonder why he's outside though, he's painting the walls, with white paint. On his face, I see a smile. I stare for a while till he gives me a side eye, and I quickly look away. By the condition of the boy, I could tell he had been in a fight, clothes disheveled, hair messy. Maybe this was some sort of punishment, he seemed proud about it though.
Proud could not be a word I could use to define my feelings though.
I had never, ever felt worse. One mistake, and I'm stuck here for one whole year.

The halls inside were pretty tidy, they must have good help around here.  I see some people in uniforms walk up the stairs, they must be students too. Oddly, they don't share words, or even a glance. Their movement is stiff, and I feel their anxiety as if from miles away.

My father and I are seated infront of what I come to call "Father Paul"  , he's the headmaster of the hostel. By the way he looks at my father, I can't tell what they're thinking, but I know they're agreeing. We sign a few papers, and they talk a bit more. 

I stare mindlessly at the clock, and then at the calender, how many total minutes of this do I have to endure--

And then Brother Alejandro walks in. He's our floormaster, he greets my father with a smile, the same cannot be said for the expression he gave me. He stared almost with disgust. It was 12 past 9 when my father got up, he sighed and started coldly

"Don't disappoint me,

I nodded.

"Answer me"

"Yes sir, understood."

He finally smiles after what's felt like years, but I know by now it's forced. He pats my head, and leaves without a word.
There was no "take care" not a single "get better" or "I'll miss you, my only offspring"

Just, the same old, "don't disappoint me"

"I know you can change number 11, leave it to us, by the time you leave, you'll be like a trained and tame dog" the headmaster smiles.
It's eerie,
It's like my father's.
I don't reply, I follow brother Alejandro out to what's called "initiation"

There he hands me a handbook, it's about 78 pages thick.

"What is this?"

"It's your rulebook, learn it and live by it" his tone is different now, it's no longer cordial.

"These are all rules?"

"What did I just tell you?"

As I flipped the pages I ask "may I know what a discipline is?"

"It's a form of consequence for bad actions in this school, if you stay out of trouble you won't get one. You better not get one."

"We're not allowed to talk to our roommates?"

"Don't talk to people who can make it worse, Whatever "sins" they've committed, will be passed to you. You may speak to me, your floormaster."

"And the teachers?"

"You may speak to the teachers if permitted."

"Do the kids here ever go out?"

"Every weekend"

I sighed in relief, thank god.

"To church" he added.

Well, I've never had a problem with church, my mother and I used to go.

"The church, is a private one, of our school. They will help cleanse your soul, and rid you of your sins. Don't worry, you might feel unclean now, but by the time you're out, you'll be pure" his words were so unsettling, I had to tap my feet to ignore them. A habit my father wouldn't tolerate- i quickly stopped.

"So how long do I stay here?"

"If you follow all the rules, you'll get out in a year. Stay away from the wrong path and the wrong people"

"The wrong people?"

"Some people are lost causes. They can't be fixed, stay away from them"

"Is their really anybody that you people can't break into becoming a lapdog?" i thought silently.

"And one of them is in your dorm" he added.

"I see?"

"Number 25. Stay away from number 25."

"May I ask..what these numbers mean.."

"Just numbers each kid of a floor has" Alejandro is sitting  9 feet away from me, as if I'm something to be feared, or cured

"May I read the rules in my room sir?"

"You may."

I get up and curtly bow.



"Take your shirt off"

A/N: hellooo to everyone taking the time to read this, I hope this has been an interesting plot starter, and you feel atleast a tiny bit curious about the story! This fanfiction is inspired by a youtuber who shares her story at the school for troubled girls on YouTube. Her name is Emily Harper and you can check that out of you like! I've been wanting to write a karushuu fanfic for a long long time, but was unsure if I was capable enough to. So please write your initial thoughts on the plot, the writing and if there's any feedback I'll gladly take and incorporate it into my writing henceforth!
Have a great day, and  i hope to see you soon!!

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