Lesson 12.

148 9 97

Karma's POV

"Number 25..don't listen to them, there's a fire in you that I respect, you have to allow it to live! Live boy, do what you want! In my class...there's no restrictions."

The air of freedom, the scent of spring.

"Karma...that's your name right? Good job on the exam, you're one of the brightest kids in here! Keep it up, and you'll be out in no time..."

The hand of comfort, eyes to look up to.

"Hm..regardless of what the others think...I think you're perfectly normal.. Trust me Karma, you are."

That sliver of validation....the stroke of his fingers.. bring comfort, hope.



"Number 25, stay back after class."

....Hands abusing their power, hands...of a stranger. It's cold, damp, it's winter, without christmas. The stroke of his fingers, disgust. Hatred, hopelessness, acceptance.

And then you choke,
And you're trapped again.
You'll be here, forever.

"Number 25!"

Gakushuu's POV.

"Number 25..!" I had slipped into the infirmary wing, where Karma was. He collapsed so suddenly, and blacked out. I hadn't expected to be as scared as I was... thankfully..it wasn't any major, but I wondered..if it had been, would they allow him treatment?
He was pallid, I was worried, Isogai informed me this was not the first time he would black out, but refused to elaborate.

Way to help my confusion Yuma.
Karma looked so... different today. When I see him in the morning, sleeping, somehow lying on the bed in a messy state, blanket over his leg, pillow on the floor, he reminds me of - well, he reminds me of everything I make sure not to make my morning state look like. Yet, here he lies, curled in a fetal position, pale and expressionless.

What could have caused this? Why did this happen? Why do I care!?

It wasn't hard convincing Alejandro to let me accompany Karma. Worry, was a new look on him, and yet, I could tell it was real. He didn't express it in any other form than his emotions that he couldn't hide, he simply told me to go wait at the infirmary, and help number 25 get around. An idea, I'm sure Karma will enjoy quite a lot, since he loves wasting my time.

No matter how much I called, he wouldn't wake up, he would always answer when I'd wake him up at 3, telling him it's time to go downstairs..so the fact that..today, he didn't, made something falter in me. I didn't feel like eating till he did, he didn't feel like waking up.

It was 6 pm when he did.

"Peachface...Bleh." was what the bastard had to say after scaring me shitless over the span of almost 7 hours.

"Shh, the nurse will hear. Can you sit?" I asked, making sure to keep it formal. He gave me that stupid Hollywood boytoy smile he has, and I glared at him. Angry, not because he was ill, but because as soon as he woke up, he started downplaying it.

He sat up, folding his legs.

"Shuu Chan sat here all day? I'm flattered!" --He laughed, as if not even trying to be orderly. I swear if he gets himself in trouble at such a state, I'll make sure to put him in his next long sleep myself.

"I won't sleep at all tonight hmmm..why didn't you wake me? Bad shuu!" He continued, poking my cheek.


"I TRIED, You didn't budge!"

"Aww..so you tried to wake me? Were you worried Gaaa-kuuu-shuu?"

Why did he have to use my actual name? He's not supposed to use it, he's not supposed to know it, and if somebody hears, it's over for us.

"Listen, number 25 you look perfectly fine now, so get up, I'll take you down for tea."

"Noo, I'm not, oh my god. You HAVE to hold my hand~" He said, getting off the pitiful "hospital bed" and grabbing my hand. I'm glad he could hold onto it this time..instead of collapsing..-

Wait hey whys he holding my hand 😡

"I swear to god.." I mumble, and he only clings closer. "This is what having no father figure does to you." I say, to which the little shit retorts

"But shuu Chan, you have a father figure!"

Self control, Zen, Zen, Self control.

His red hair was so unkempt, I had the masculine urge to comb it, but nooo, that's not acceptable by the standards of this school 🙄noo don't touch his hair! You might lose your purity to it 🫨🫨.


I dragged shitface to the "cafeteria". It was empty, since lunch was over already, but Brother Alejandro was sitting, presumably waiting for us. He sighed, of what I would think is relief when he saw us approaching.

"Thank you, number 11. You can go now..I'll take it from here, okay..?"

He says, Karma's grip on my hand tightens, and Alejandro notices.

I nod, but he interrupts.

"On second thoughts, Number 11, stay. I have something to attend to. You didn't eat your food right? Eat, and make sure number 25 finishes his own.." and with that, the brother is gone. I wonder if he's alright, his voice is shaky, hands sweaty as he stuffs them into his pockets and leaves.

"Guess it's just us now, Gakushuu! Let's look for strawberry milk"

Oh Karma, only you can collapse and pretend like all there is to the world is strawberry milk. What really happened to you? If I asked, would you just lie more? Or are you not sure yourself?

I'm a coward, I can't ask.

"Shuu? You okay?"

"Hm. Let's go get strawberry milk."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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