Lesson 4

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Gakushuu's Pov

I stared in horror as they added a huge side of mayonnaise to my fries.
Fries should be had with ketchup.
That's just how it is. A rule in this book states that you have to finish everything on your plate, unless you want a discipline. I hate mayonnaise, never liked it, but leave it to them to force you into whatever they like in the name of being "adjusting".
There's people that came here with eating disorders, and they're supervised while they eat, with extra proportions.

I look beside me, to see blondie and number 13 eating their food.
Unexpectedly blondie starts a conversation.

"The food is good here, despite the extra condiments."  He says this to me, and I blink. The brother is sitting here, isn't he scared of being disciplined?

"Don't worry, you can talk in dinner and lunch breaks. As long as it's nothing personal" number 13 says.

This included names, I knew none of them except Karma.
Is his name really Karma?
Sounds odd for a Japanese, but the meaning is cool if I'm honest.
Speaking of him, I look around and don't see him in the dining hall.

"Where's number 25" I ask, tasting the salmon fry, which indeed is as good as blondie says.

"He got his dinner privileges revoked for a week.." blondie looks away, he almost looks worried, but also pitiful.

"A week? Isn't that too much?" I ask.

Thirteen chimes in and says "this isn't the first time he's gotten into trouble. If they see you resisting their treatment, they'll only punish you more" he looks sad about it too.
Are they friends with Karma?

"What did he even do?"

"We can't tell you, such things are private and even we don't know. They can't be discussed among students" blondie responds.

Ah. I'm guessing it's done so that rebellious ideas don't spread amongst the students, if they got a discipline, must've been something "rebellious" anyways.
It's not that deep though, sometimes, people just falter, it's not a sin, it's not resistance. It's being human.

"How are you liking it here so far?" The bluenette speaks to me for the first time.
He has a plastered face like mine, one to please the authority and get out of here quick.

"It's good" I reply, and he seems to like it. He knows the brothers are hearing, deep down they all do. They keep the conversation restricted.

After I'm done I wash my plate at the sink like I am supposed to, and retire to my bedroom. I have homework to catch up with, because I was cleaning after classes for quite a while and missed a class. Karma seemed pretty happy having missed it, but I don't share that feeling. I must excel no matter where I am.

The dorm is empty, Karma's bed is still a mess. Everyday they carry out room checks and if anything is lying on the floor, they confiscate it. That's what the rule says. I wonder how many things the redhead has had confiscated, because he leaves everything lying here and there.

Why can't I stop thinking about him?

I have to stop.

I'll study.

But wait-
Where is he? If he didn't have dinner, shouldn't he be here finishing his work with me? Not that I'm missing out..or lonely..
Not that I care..he can go to hell for all that matters.
It's 9:30. I still have an hour before bed, I can utilise this to finish not only the classwork but an extra chapter.

I begin as the clock ticks by.
My roommates return one by one.
They are kind enough to leave the light on for me to finish, blondie straightens his hair, 13 says his prayers and goes to bed.
Number 14, the brown haired guy who smiled at me day 1, he returns late. I didn't see him at dinner either. Bluenette is pacing the floor as if to invite sleep.

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