Lesson 7

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Asano's POV

I struggled to fight out of his grasp, not being I struggled physically, but I just can't let anyone else wake up.
If they find Karma attacking another student what will become of him?

"Karma stop, let go! What's gotten into you?" I whisper as loud as I can.

His hands shake, and the clock ticks, implying the soft silence,which was being threatened by this sudden outburst.

I didn't expect it,
Did he get mad for what I did?

He climbs over me, and I'm shocked and confused, though that sentence might give you the wrong idea-- it was nothing sexual, since I could feel him press against my windpipe so hard, I lost breath. With nose choice left, I picked up the heavy bible on the table and hit him on the head with it.

It's a book, didn't incur any serious damage but he fell off and it caused a thud.

Isogai who was beside us woke up at a shock, he looked almost as confused as me and I prayed he didn't see the part where the redhead tried to choke the life out of me.

"Number 25- what happened to you?" He asked, his voice shaking. I could tell from his expression, that he was very observant, when he realised no footsteps were outside, he slipped out of bed and helped Karma up.

I looked at him, ready for accusations. I swear I didn't mean anything creepy, I just forgot what a human heart sounded like--
Shit is that creepy too?

Karma blinked, his eyes scanned the room, then Isogai, then me.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys, what just happened?" He asked, giving one of his plastered smiles.

"What just happened..?" The black haired male looked beyond apalled, and so was I.

"You tried to choke me" I speak boldly because I do wish to know what the fuck just went down.

"Did i? Sorry about that! Hasn't happened in years!" He laughs and sits down the bed.

"What?" Isogai says to the last part.

"Karma, are you okay?" I keep my distance, as he sits there slightly shaking, it's like he's lost his grip on reality, and become consumed in whatever he was dreaming of, was it bad?
Did he think I was danger?

"Karma??" Isogai asks.

"That's my name" he responds.

"Your name.. it's..nice.. but we're not allowed to--"

The redhead cuts him off and stands up.

"Let's go out, you in Isogai?"

"You know my name?" He's shocked, but I wonder why. Karma always has all the info, is what I've deducted.

"I know everyone! I know Maehara's got the biggest crush on you, that too for a fact!" Karma winked, and Isogai blushed.

To me, he's just changing the subject.

"Which one's Maehara!?" Isogai asked as Karma slipped out of the room, tiptoeing down to the garden.

The two of us joined him, probably not the best night though, it's cloudy, if it rains they'll know we were out, judging by our wet clothes--

Or would they? They make the kids do the laundry anyways.

Karma twirls around almost like he's completely mental or delirious. Only a sick person would dance so happily in such a sinister place. Isogai had never done this, clearly. He was frozen once he realised he'd broken a rule.

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