Lesson 3

324 20 81

"Are you washed in the blood?

In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb?

Are your garments spotless; are they white as snow?

Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?"

Gakushu's Pov

They vocalised and chimed all the words to this song I'd never heard before, I mouthed the words while staring blankly at the lyrics on the songbook. A little gorey for a song that's supposed to be about god.
We were all lined up according to floor numbers, around 30 boys in one hall. The hall was small, but they made us stand with a "two arm distance" from each other. With calculation, I find there's 5 rooms in this floor, 6 "students" in each of them.

My roommate, number 13(black hair, charming to look at) stands first in line, they line us up based on "rank".

After reading the rule book I've realised this rank depends on who's been showing the most "growth" in classes, who's been getting the least number of disciplines, and who here is closest to ending their journey here early.

I stand second last having just arrived here. You'd think I'd be standing at the very end but I wasn't surprised at all when number 25 joined after me.

There's 5 "brothers" standing at the very end of the hall watching closely, checking if you're maintaining your two arm distance, checking if anyone's talking, and or not singing, checking if any rule is being disobeyed.

I have always been a rule follower, such is not a problem for me. However, trouble follows where I go, since number 25 has been following me for a while now.

He comes into the hall late, he'll get a discipline.

He greets me goodmorning, speaks to me.
He'll get a discipline.

He has to be reminded to stand in place, repeatedly

Another one.

I ignore him, throughout, but it's harder to keep my patience than keep the words in my mouth.
This boy is testing me.

He accidentally "leans against" me during prayer, I can't move forward because then I'll be breaking the two arm distance, he sings off key, into my ears, almost as if on purpose, just to tick me off.
Clearly, the students in the row beside us notice, because they shoot some disgusted looks.

They wait till hymns are over to generously distribute discipline.

I smirk with satisfaction as Alejandro pulls number 25 to the corner, he'll be punished, serves him right.

“Number 11 come here, why are you standing looking clueless?"

Me? What did I do?

"Yes Sir?" I join them as it's the redhead's turn to smile.

"You have been observed noticing and ignoring bad behaviour. You had two minutes before I called you over. Why didn't you speak up?"

Why am I to report his misdoing? You were standing there watching it, it's your job.

"But sir, I ignored him. I didn't break any rules at all. I sang all the words and-"

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