I. The Ring of Kafrene

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notre dame (act one, chapter one)
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Helena Erso

"You're impossible," Helena Erso grumbled, stumbling through the crowd. The musk of viscous bodies clung to her skin dismally, the sticky residue of their grime assailing her. The streets of the Ring of Kafrene, a mining colony and trading outpost in the Thand sector, were congested with groups of people bustling through in every direction. All kinds of scum lingered – black market dealers, traffickers, gamblers, scammers. Lena blended in amongst the crowd with her green scarf cast over her auburn hair, concealing her appearance like many others.

She followed Cassian closely, her footsteps so close she might as well step on his feet. Her cerulean eyes had darted around the environment, dust clouds and smoke wafting through the air. Darkness had taken the colony in a forever night with the lights from the ships flying in and out of the port illuminating the shadows. It was lively with vendors setting up shop and selling merchandise. The faint smell of cuisine met their noses. To Lena, it wasn't the worst place they had been. It had its sense of culture and charm.

Cassian rolled his eyes dismally. "Women are impossible," He countered, unamused and annoyed. Obviously, he had no interest in the conversation, but Lena had found entertainment in it all. She would continue to press him until she got bored.

While Lena was satisfyingly serene with the humor of the conversation, she remained diligent and aware. Kafrene was not unfamiliar to Lena; she had visited several times before. It wasn't the safest place, she had known that, with a high crime rate that was tolerated and ignored and Stormtroopers who swarmed the streets and terrorized the citizens. She knew how things worked here and that was what frightened her the most about it. The unpredictability of it all was the most dangerous.

"No, they're not," She told him, slapping his arm in annoyance. He spun his head around, shooting her a peeved and aggravated look with his black eyes wide with confusion. She ignored the look continuing, "You're just annoying."

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