Chapter Three

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Trixie's Pov
Steve Harrington was gonna be one of those names that always stayed on my mind even when I didn't want it to. Our encounters of meeting happen to be natural nothing awkward with my inner alpha purring happy. It felt like my second half found it's own little place of home. Within the dork working at the ice cream shop.

The very loud blaring from my phone had me reaching over to grab it off the hook. Flipping through my random book with ease, balancing the phone over my shoulder shoving a few cheese balls loosely into my mouth.

"Hello Trixie here, I am slightly out of my supplements right now so that is all gonna have to wait till I do my runs." The loudest sounding whine was heard from the other end of the line before a voice was exclaiming at me.

"Trixie where are you? You said you were gonna start dropping me off at work. Right on the dot chop chop." I paused my eating  momentarily to listen to the faded purring on  his end before laughing with a small exhale.

"On my way don't get your little boy shorts in a twist calm your tail."

"Shut up!"

"See there you go. You were worrying for no reason Harrington I'm an excellent driver." I grinned leaning over my steering wheel a bit, taking a glance over by the male who was holding onto the leather seat tightly almost like he praying quickly whining about leaning his head quickly for a moment.

"You drive almost just as worse as Max does. Thank you for the ride my car is in the shop for a couple days so I appreciate this alpha." I sent a playful smirk his way, lowering my glasses down to state at him, the grin he cracked was one of reaction, amusement anything could be on his face.

"No problem I'll be back around like at 6:00pm unless Dustin, Robin and you are staying late again for your Russian conversation." I used quotes around my fingers shaking with laughter. A small spurt of laughter while he was shaking his head quickly.

"You should join us sometime it's do. Dustin is a smart little asshole sometimes." I stared at Steve some more, before I moved to grab at my bag digging through it before tossing over a pill to the male who fumbled while grabbing at them.

"Your scent blockers are weak again, maybe I'll come by just to see you in those shorts." A soft wink was sent his way. A soft laugh leaving his red face, as he stumbles out from my car leaning over the door frame shaking the bottle at me a couple times.

"You are a life saver. Do come by and I mean it, I need an extra brain." My finger tapped in a small rhythm across the steering wheel clicking my tongue in a slight teasing manner leaving forward a bit making his face grown ten times more red.

"You mean flirt Harrington? Have a good day cutie." I grinned lifting my hand to save my fingers at him quick like. The slamming of the door with his brown curly haired self speed walking to the entrance of the Mall. It has barely opened and you could tell it was gonna be a long busy day. I stayed parked there for a moment lost in the omega scent that lingered throughout the entire space between us.

I'm absurdly gonna drive myself crazy. I don't even know if he is my mate it just feels natural I suppose. But then again any omegas and betas my age are natural around me. With the plundering thoughts flooding my conscious. I found myself starting my car right back up to head to my own job. All the little shops in town had been hit or miss since the opening of the largest mall in our town.

I pressed on the break nearly almost hitting two cute young teens who were rushing out from the bus my heart racing in a fearful pace. They were laughing before waving and shouting apologies my way. I so forgot how many kids are in this town.

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