Chapter Four

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Trixie's Pov
I should have known that I was getting myself thrown into quite a heaps of crazy. I knew all these terms were incredibly smart Dustin alone was doing things I wish I could do. I had briefly met Max and El during one of their shopping trips. The same ordeal happened with Lucas, Will, and Mike. It was like they all were there own team that all joined up together when it was needed for all the brains to beat together.

"This is like the sixth time you've played it have you gotten anything yet?" Dustin snapped out towards Steve, who was shoving a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Wait play that part again? I'm trying to listen to the background melody it sounds familiar." I found myself cracking a grin speaking just before Dustin snapped out even more fast like.

"You are suppose to be listening to the voices not the background music Steve." I placed my palm over my temple. A small little headache was taking over, the more I sat there listening to this Russian transmission was humbling together in one mass. Robin had came sliding out over the table quick like gesturing that it was Steve's turn out in the front with the customers.

"Can I see that?" She quickly taking the notepad from Dustin quick like grabbing at the pencil tapping at the recorder quick like, sitting next to Dustin. I smacked quickly at Steve's behind when he was messing up my hair in the process a loud squeal like laughter as he bounced his way off to the front of the parlor.

"You two are so cute, I don't understand why you guys can't see you two are mated." Robin whistles quick like with a grin looking back up to stare at me with a playful wiggle in her eyes.

"Now you are speaking nonsense Robin, we are suppose to be focusing on the top secret mission not our second genders." I told her through my laughter digging in my bag to grab at my water bottle sipping from it quick like.

"On the topic of our like amazing second genders and seeing as you are a female alpha aren't alphas usually the first to know when they have a mate?" Dustin pointed out glancing between us before focusing on me for like the answer.

"Well like yeah when you put it like that you make it sound like we belong on the top of the chain. We just have our senses slightly delighted like  omegas so we can smell through scent blockers it's how I knew he was a omega from just standing a distance and I knew you and Robin were betas." I shrugged like the science to it wasn't anything that extraordinary we all learned this in school during health and sex ed. We learned a lot about our second genders we did not truly want to know.

"Are you sure? You two could be mates you just get along so well it's cute watching you two." Robin grinned leaning over the table even more. I faked a soft laugh quickly tapping at the table fast like.

"Back to work if we figure something out I'll explain what I know alright." I pressed my hand to my chest with a huff using a scout honor gesture. I could feel a swerve of unwanted heat filling into the room as the two discussed with one another. Someone was in preheat or in a rut. Ugh I hated how that effected everyone around. I dug fast grabbing the bottle like to grab a pill swallowing it quick like.

"So there's only two alphas among your friends? Mike and Max? That's interesting." I said with a light giggle. Dustin looked up casually before nodding brushing his fingers across the bridge of his nose.

"Yep Lucas, El and Will are omegas. Then Mike's sister Nancy is a Beta so is Jonathan. We just learned now that Steve is a hidden Omega which is amazing so we have two female alphas friends." I found myself smiling some more leaning over to check at the note pad pointing at the words and letters.

  "Well at least we are getting somewhere let's keep going!"

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