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belly woke up in a warm embrace, matts embrace to be exact

he had both has arms around her, she was practically trapped.

she grabbed her phone which was under her thigh for some reason, and checked the time. it was only nine-forty one in the morning.

she groaned quietly and shuffled in matts arms, trying not to wake him up

"izzy?" he mumbles, taking one arm off of her

"hey, sorry, go back to sleep" she says quietly

"no its fine, im awake" he says "so are you okay? you seemed pretty upset"

"i dont really want to talk about that. at least not right now" she answers

"oh, yeah. of course" he smiles softly

"sorry for just, like, pushing all of that on you or something? i just dont want to be a burden or whatever" she looks down

"hey you arent a burden" he reassures

"yeah. others seem to think the opposite" she plays with her fingers

"heyy come on. those are just some shitty quote on quote fans who are jealous that youre friends with us. youre," he hesitates "perfect"

"total deja vu moment" belly chuckles

"stop it izzy" matt chuckles as well

"well, i appreciate that" she looks at him

it stays like that for a while.

"matt i-" belly starts

"hey you two! unlock the door" alyson says from outside the room

matt stands up and opens the door, leaving belly cold

"your brother fucking snores" alyson says, plopping down on matts bed next to belly

"so youre stealing my bed now?" matt asks

"yeah because i havent slept" alyson gets under the covers "leave matt, belly and i are gonna sleep"

"uh, no actually. youre going to sleep" belly reprimands "im going downstairs to make food"

"liar! you and matt are gonna go downstairs, flirt a little more than you did about two minutes ago, and then probably make out on the couch" alyson mumbles

"oh my god go to sleep! god i swear you have the brain of a gold fish" belly smiles "im kidding, i love you"

"yeah yeah now you two kids be in love or something" alyson shoos her away

"were not in love!" belly exclaims, getting off the bed

"literally everyone can beg to differ" alyson says

"have a good rest aly" matt closes the door "what were you gonna say before she interrupted?"

"hm? no nothing" belly says

"girl. be fucking for real." he deadpans

"matthew im serious!" she hits his arm "its embarrassing"

"isabel!" he whines

"its embarrassing to tell you face to face. expect a text from me when i get home" she tells him, walking downstairs where mary lou was making them all breakfast "good morning mary lou!"

"good morning honey!" mary lou smiles, watching her pancakes intently

"can i help you?" belly asks, walking over to the stove

"yes actually, could you watch the pancake and flip it when its ready please?" mary lou asks

"of course i can" belly smiles, walking in fromt of the pan

"mom! why didnt you let me help you?" nick gasps

"because you can not cook for shit" matt reassures

"no, its not because you cant cook for crap. its because i let you help me once already and the pancake almost got stuck on the ceiling!"

nick and mary lou had a playful arguement, meanwhile matt kept whining for belly to let him help

"matt the fucking pancake is gonna burn and youre going with it if you dont leave me the fuck alone!" she exclaims, taking the pan off the hot stove and flipping the pancake over

"you tell him sister!" macie walks out of nicks room "men are so annoying"

"amen" cylia walks out of nicks room as well

"hey what happens if my journalist major doesnt work out?" belly asks out of nowhere

"you marry an old rich man" macie answers

"i love that we always have that option" belly smiles, finishing the pancakes

"imagine marrying an old man for money and you die first" matt snorts, grabbing a pancake

"hey thats from the pinterest whisper i sent you you fucking copy cat!" belly hits his shoulder with a pancake

"go cry about it bitch" matt says jokingly

"go fuck yourself matt" belly puts her hand in front of his face

matt chuckles, his cheeks suddenly turning a light shade of pink, a very light shade

"matt why are you blushing" macie asks

"im not blushing, am i blushing?" matt looks at mary lou

"honey you are blushing" mary lou confirms

now belly was blushing

"god belly not you too!" nick throws his head back

belly smiles and looks down, hiding her face from them, and matt does so too.

what the fuck was going on?

✰┊❛LEFT OUT❜┊✰

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