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✰┊❛WORK OUT❜┊✰

"dude why the hell arent you ready for school!" macie bursts into bellys room

"im not going" belly answers

"isa i say this with a lot of love. get off your ass and get dressed" macie reprimands "no one has seen you for a week straight and i am convinced matt has turned into some emo furry"

"no he hasnt"

"he literally barked at chris yesterday"

"just leave!" belly exclaims

"whats going on?" daniel asks

"isa says shes not going to school" macie sighs

"youre going to school, isabel" daniel says

"no im not" belly answers

"you have to go!" daniel exclaims

"i agree!" macie says

daniel and macie started arguing with belly, talking over eachother

"please stop yelling" belly sits up, putting her shaky hands on her head

"hey whats wrong?" florence walks in the room "are you okay honey?"

"theyre making me go to school" belly says, her eyes looking at her covers

"mom she needs t-" macie starts yelling again

"shut up macie" belly says

"just, macie go downstairs" florence says

macie groans and walks down the stairs, leaving their parents and belly in a silence

"isabel get up" daniel says

"what?" belly looks up

"if youre gonna graduate then you need to try harder and go to school" he tells her

"dad ive been trying every single fucking day since i was seven!" she exclaims

"florence will you just tell her?" daniel sighs

"fine dad! i get it! im a disappointment" belly gets up "ill go to fucking school!"

"honey youre not a disappointment" daniel says

"youre making it seem like i am one!" belly says

"im sorry" daniel says "but sweetheart, you have to go to school"

"i know" belly says quietly "ill go"

"if you dont want t-" daniel starts

"ill go, dad. its fine" belly says

her parents just hesitate and walk out of her room, her room engulfing her in silence

she didnt want to go to school for two reasons, first of all, she was gonna get bombarded with questions, second of all, she had to see matt

she had been very dry with him when he texted her. instead of typing 'okay' she said 'ok', and instead of sending him unnecessary emojis she just sent normal texts. it was very weird

she just put on a t-shirt and jeans, putting her hair in a claw clip and putting her converse on. she grabbed her backpack and walked down the stairs. she grabbed her water bottle and went out to her sisters car and getting into the passenger seat

"sorry for yelling at you" macie says

belly was gonna respond, but she was at a loss for words. and macie understood, so she just drove to the school.

when belly appeared at study hall, there were shocked faces from everyone but macie, since she already knew her sister was at school

"belly!" alyson exclaims, hugging her

"hi" belly says, not hugging back

"where the fuck were you?" lexi asks

"in my room" belly sits down on a bean bag

"why didnt you come?" cylia frowns

"i dont know" belly shrugs "i just dont want to be here"

"amen" chris sighs "i wish i could skip a week of school"

"well chris i didnt skip for nothing" belly says

"then why did you skip?" lexi asks

"i have anxiety. there, that should answer your question" belly answers

"i have anxiety too but you dont see me skipping a whole week of school and leaving my friends on read for three hours" matt spits out angrily

"what the fuck" nick mumbles

"matt are you seriously getting mad at me? again?" belly asks

"yeah i am actually. im sorry that you have anxiety, i really am. but not everything is about you, alright?" matt says

"god i dont want to have a ginny and goergia argument with you over fucking anxiety! what are we gonna do now? huh? fight over who has had it longest?" belly tilts her head "matt do you think t-"

"oh my god will you two cut it out! please? its seven in the fucking morning!" cylia exclaims

"im sorry" belly says

"yeah youre always s-" matt starts, but his gaze softens as he sees the girls legs trembling slightly "im sorry too"

"good!" macie says

"im going to the vending machines" belly gets up "does anyone have a dollar or something?"

"ill go with you" matt sighs, getting up

belly rolls her eyes and walks out of the library, not waiting for matt to catch up at all. he jogs after her, finally catching up to her. he clears his throat before he speaks

"i actually am sorry" matt whispers

"yeah okay" belly walks up to the vending machine

"izzy i swear i am. ill get a while lie detector crew here to prove to you that i am!" he says

"matt just stop" she looks down

"please belly just give me one chance to explain. please" he pleads, her staying silent "what are you thinking right now?"

"matt. i dont think were gonna work" she spits out, her eyes yet not meeting his

"what?" he starts "yes we can! please just let me prove it to y-"

"no matt! its too much pressure, okay?" she says "its hurting you as much as its hurting me"

"then why are you doing it?" he asks

"because, i have to" she says, her eyes meeting his

"no you dont!" he exclaims

"matt yes i do! my life is a fucking mess right now, cant you see? i dont know what college im going to, i dont know how to deal with my anxiety, god i dont even have a stupid dollar to waste on this stupid vending machine!" she exclaims "i like you matt, i really do, but please believe me when i say that if we get in a relationship you will not be happy at all"

"izzy im happy whenever im with you i dont care about the circumstances" he gets out

"please trust me on this, okay matt?" she grabs ahold of his hands "please?"

"okay" he says "but do you think you'll change your mind?"

"i dont know yet" she answers

matt just nods and heads back towards the library, leaving bellys hands cold.

"are you stupid? you just lost matt!" she yells at herself in her head

"were still friends, right?" she asks

"yeah" he nods, avoiding a contact with her

"isabel you stupid bitch" she mumbles to herself

✰┊❛LEFT OUT❜┊✰

𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗧 𝗢𝗨𝗧, 𝗺.𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗼Where stories live. Discover now