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belly sat on her couch, waiting for matt to knock on her door any second for their date. she was wearing the second dress matt had picked out for her to wear to the party because he had told her in advance

she waited another ten minutes before matt finally showed up at seven - forty, ten minutes late, but she didnt mind

"hey, sorry im late" he says as belly opens the door "i was having a problem finding flowers"

"matt, you are literally turning this house into a florists house" florence says from behind belly

"i have no shame, florence" matt smiles, giving belly the bouquet "lets go?"

"wait!" florence exclaims, running to her daughters room

"shes gonna get my camera to take a picture of us because she wants to quote on quote, 'show them to her grandchildren' or whatever" belly sighs

"thats fine" matt snakes his arm around her waist "you look beautiful"

"thank you" belly looks at him

"and scene!" florence says, taking the picture "this one is for your wedding"

"mother can we go now?" belly whines

"yes have fun" florence smiles

matt chuckles and lets belly walks out the door first, closing it once he walks out too. he is quick to open and close bellys car door as well

"hey this is the first time ive seen you in a suit!" belly gasps

"and it will be the last time too" he smiles at her

"you look good if thats what youre overthinking" she rolls her eyes

"no its just that this one in particular is so fucking uncomfortable" he sighs

"then why'd you choose that one?"


"that makes loads of sense!"

"lets just go, the reservation is at eight" he chuckles, holding her hand

"fine" she scoffs, leaning her head on their intertwined hands

they both got their food and belly excused herself to go to the bathroom, but she ran into the person she least wanted to see


"well hello there princess, you here with your body guard?" jason asks

"my date, are you here with your cousin who you told to act like your girlfriend for twenty dollars?" belly defends

"okay why are you playing so hard to get?"

"because my date is sitting down at the table waiting for me and youre holding me up you idiot!"

"izzy wh-" matt walks up to her "why the fuck are you talking to her?"

"looks like i messed you up pretty bad there huh?" jason asks matt, referring to the black eye

"yeah and i couldnt give two fucks, what i could give to fucks about if why youre talking to isabel" matt says

"because i can?"

"i swear to you jason, if you talk to her ever again, ill knock your fucking teeth out"

"dude im not scared of you! i could give you another black eye right now" jason chuckles

"can i kick him in the balls please? ill do it gladly" belly includes herself

"hes not that worth it" matt stands in front of belly "you wanna give me another black eye? fine! do it" he says "im waiting"

jason says nothing, instead storms into the bathroom

"why didnt you let me kick him?" belly pouts

"because it would get us kicked out and would completely ruin our date" matt turns towards her

belly sighs and they walk back to their table.

belly and matt were now lying on a grassy area in the park, was this a part of their date? no, not really. it was pretty random

matt had been dying to ask this question ever since he and belly started going out, and with valentines day being a week away, he kind of felt obligated to ask

"hey izzy?"

"yes matt?"

"can i be your boyfriend?"

the words cause belly to sit up, her jaw practically on the ground. matthew sturniolo, probably the most perfect boy in the world, wanted to be isabel davis' boyfriend, probably the most obnoxious girl in the world

"are you kidding me?" she asks

"no im fucking lying about it" he sits up with her, smiling

"yes matt, yeah you can be my boyfriend" she smiles back, wrapping her arms around his neck "can i be your girlfriend?"

"yes you can"

belly pulls away from him and cups his face with one hand, giving him a short kiss on his lips

"that was lame" he says, kissing her again, this time longer than she did

they both pulled away and she noticed matt was filming, she turned to look at him again, a confused expression on her face

"your mom asked me to"

"its not very comforting to know that my boyfriend and mother are in cahoots with each other"

✰┊❛LEFT OUT❜┊✰

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