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3rd Person~

"I hate this," Diego says loudly, but everyone ignores him. "How do we start?" Viktor asks instead. "Have you ever moved a nest of bees?" Sloane asks. "No, because that's weird," Lila responds.

Sloane tries her best not to roll her eyes, instead saying, "You can't just pick it up. You have to keep the best calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it." She explains.

From where he floats above the Kugelblitz, Christopher squeaks, but no one understands him except for the Sparrows. To whatever he said, Sloane nods, before she starts floating, manipulating the gravity around her.

"One of those black holes inside is vibrating at a different rate," Fei explains. "I can feel them," Viktor says. Fei nods, "Good. Whatever happens, don't let them speed up or change or everything will blow."

"Don't shake the bees. Got it." Viktor says in understanding before his eyes begin to glow blue, and his skin takes on the same tint. Fei turns to Lila. "When you're ready, do exactly like Viktor." She says.

Lila nods, taking a deep breath before mimicking Viktor's ability and doing the same thing. Her features too, start to glow. Finally, Fei turns to Darla. "Follow their lead." She says, referring to Lila, Viktor, and Sloane.

Darla nods, meeting her father's worried eyes for a fraction of a second before her feet pick up off the ground, and her eyes grow a brighter shade of blue than anyone else in the group.

Diego shifts, his hands folding into fists, as he watches his family intently, knowing there is nothing he can do now, but stand and watch.

"Hey, what's she doing?" Luther whispers to Ben as he looks up at Sloane. "They are using its own gravity to condense it," Ben whispers back, emphasizing "they" since both Sloane and Darla are doing the same thing.

"That's pretty cool, huh?" Luther smiles. Ben glares at the man, finding nothing "cool" about the situation. Luther frowns and takes a step away from Ben.

"You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God." Grace suddenly says, appearing in the basement and getting everyone's attention. "Mom?" Diego asks before he can stop himself.

"You have no right to do that." The robot continues, not paying Diego any mind. "We're a little busy here, Grace," Luther calls as Diego glances at the two women that make up his family before starting to walk toward Grace.

"The day of vengeance was in my heart..." Grace says slowly. "And my year of redemption hath come." She says, raising a flame thrower and shooting at Diego and Luther, who quickly duck out of the way. "The day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of redemption hath come." She repeats, her voice sounding more robotic than ever.

The firey scene distracts the group around the Kugelblitz, but only for a moment before they all focus back in on what they were doing as everyone else ducks for cover from the fire.

"Hey, mom, mom, mom!" Diego yells, jumping out of his hiding place to face his adoptive robot mom, who lowers her flame thrower slightly. "It's Diego. Don't make us hurt you." He says, trying to talk her down.

Grace tilts her head. "The day of vengeance was in my heart... And my year of redemption hath come." She says, shooting a blast of fire at Diego, who scurries out of the way but not before the sleeve of his jacket catches fire.

"Diego," Lila says quietly, her attention again getting pulled to the distress of the man she loves. Along with Lila's attention, goes Darla's. The blue color in the girl's eyes flashes back to its natural brown, and she floats down slightly.

"Lila, Darla, I need you," Sloane says urgently, pulling the two back. As Grace shoots fire all over the room, Five suddenly blinks at her, before blinking away with her.

"Christopher, now!" Sloane suddenly yells once they're gone. Christopher divides into pieces, moving around the ball of lightning that has gotten smaller thanks to Darla and Sloane condensing it, and of course, Viktor, Lila, and Darla keeping it stable.

The group strains, at this stage, struggling to keep hold of the Kugelblitz as Christopher closes in around it. Viktor and Lila's feet slide on the stone ground, the two fighting to keep their balance, unlike the two levitating.

Now, the other half of the group comes scampering back to those around the Kugleblitz. Luther stands beside Sloane, looking at her as she slowly descends back to the ground. Diego stands between his family, looking back and forth at them both.

Finally, Christopher closes in around the lightning, returning to his original form. Sloane, Darla, Lila, and Viktor, pant, trying to catch their breath along with their balance.

As Darla regains her balance, and her features turn back to normal (along with Lila and Viktor), she looks up at her parents, who come to stand with her.

"Did it work?" Five asks as he spatial jumps back. "Next Kugelwave in three..." Sloane starts. Everyone braces themselves. Diego hugs his family close to him.

"Two..." Sloane grabs Luther's hand.

Darla closes her eyes, for once in her life, acting like a small child, and hiding her face in her father's shirt as his arms tighten around her and her mother.


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