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Thank you so much for being patient with me and sorry for the very long wait 😭

Here's a long chapter for y'all! Thank you for the Luke fan art as well!!






Luke took a side glance at Ben and Mia as they leave the table. Exclaiming that Ben is having a terrible stomach ache and Mia's going with him to make him feel better.

Kaya whispered good luck to them before going back to her food. Luke looked down at his plate, and the delicious scent of the food Niccolo made reached his nose, making him want to finish it in a flash yet he couldn't get himself to eat.

Something was wrong and he didn't like it.

He must've been staring at his food for too long, he didn't notice that the Blouse family was already looking at him worried.

"Luke. Ya alright there, my boy?" Artur's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he glanced up at them.

"Uh... yeah," Luke frowned. "Sorry. It's just that... I don't- something just isn't right."

"What's wrong?" Kaya worriedly asked him.

"It's a gut feeling," Luke glanced at her with a frown. He bit his lower lips anxiously before standing up and looking at Kaya. uwu

"We should check on Mia and Ben. I'm... worried. I think they need our help-" He was cut off by a thud, making him and the others look at it.

It was Mia and Ben on the floor. Mia's nose is beeling and she has a bruise on her cheek. Ben's right eye is bruising and so are his cheeks as well. Behind them was Niccolo, he was heavily breathing as he looked at the two warriors on the floor he just dragged in.

This made Artur and Lisa stand abruptly on their seats in alert, their eyes widened in shock.

"Niccolo!? What're ya doing to Ben and Mia?!" Artur exclaimed, looking at the kids in worry.

"Luke," the said male slightly flinched at Niccolo's monotone voice and glanced at him.

"It was her." Niccolo pointed at Mia. "She was the reason why you couldn't meet (Y/n) that day. She's the one who put her in a short coma."

Luke glanced at Mia, then at Ben before looking back at Niccolo as his words spun the cogs in his head.

"Mia shot Mama...?" he whispered as his eyes slowly widened, disbelief showing on his face as he stood up from his seat.

Ben's head spun up to Luke, his eyes widen in shock as his mouth parted apart. Mia's breathing hitched hearing what he just whispered.

She couldn't believe it. Sir Norman... no, (Y/n). Luke's mother is (Y/n).

What a small world.

Luke shouldn't have put his trust in them. He knew something was up with them. He shouldn't have followed what he was feeling since the start.

He blinked when he noticed the Survey Corps came into view. Sasha ran up to Niccolo's side and grabbed his arm.

"What is happening here?" Sasha asked and glanced at the two beat-up warriors on the ground.

"Sasha!- They're..." Niccolo trailed off.

Jean's eyes widened when he sets his eyes on Mia. "The kid who shot (Y/n)...!"

"What is going on here, Niccolo?!" he exclaimed.

Niccolo took a step back and gently pulled Sasha behind him, eying the two warriors.

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