Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Changing Majors!

When there is no more doubt, Xiao Luo promised Chu Yunxiong. Not to mention that this deal has a two million reward, more importantly, he obtained from the system the Mercenary King's Constitution, and that should be enough to ensure the safety of a person.

And he needs the money very much. Whether it is for his family or for his future career development, this first bucket of money is necessary.

After signing the contract, one million will be paid immediately. This is only the first one. The balance will not be settled until the task of protecting Chu Yue is completed.

Xiao Luo did not feel complacent and forgot himself just because he had one million yuan. He went to the bank, transferred all the money to his father's account, and called: "Dad, I transferred some money to your account, if you have time, check it."

The other end of the phone was slightly stunned, and then his mother's voice rang out.

"Son, your father is busy, and he doesn't have his cell phone with him. Just now you said you had sent money. How much was it?"

Xiao Luo was not surprised. The farm is so big but even so, his father has to take care of everything. His father is naturally very busy. He smiled and said, "One million, you let dad have time to check with the credit union."

"One million? Son, why do you have so much money, you ... you didn't rob the bank, did you? " His mom exclaimed.

Xiao Luo was speechless: "No, I did not rob a bank, but I won the lottery."

"Won the lottery, when did it happen?" His mom beamed.

"Just a few days ago, I won the prize today. By the way, don't publicize such things, it is easy to arouse jealousy."

"I know, your mother is not stupid." Between the lines of his mother's words, there was an indescribable excitement and joy.

"Who's calling, is it Little Xiao?" A steady man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Xiao Luo immediately recognized that it was his father's voice, he should be busy back at the farm.

"It our son, he won the lottery and returned with a million dollars. You should go to the credit union at the fair and check it out. Don't let the credit union swallow up the money." His mother immediately urged.

"If you're so happy, give me the phone and I'll talk to Xiao Luo."

When the phone came to his dad's hand, a stuffy voice said, "Is what your mother said true, Xiao Luo? Did you win the lottery?"

"Dad, you can check your account at the bank." Xiao Luo laughed.

"Even with one million, how are you fairing on your job, depending on it alone is not good. Men should have a career of their own and strive for it all their lives. "

"Dad, I see your hard work, and I know that you owe the bank 400,000 yuan in loans. This money can just ease your burden. I am still young and my career can take time."

"Come on, your son is filial, why do you still teach him, and not instead praise our son's kindness." The voice of his mother embraced the atmosphere.

His dad changed his tone: "You are the woman of the family. Don't be short-sighted. If you make a million dollars, you can become complacent and your son will be easily satisfied. Men should not feel satisfied. They should be greedy like wolves. If you make one million dollars, you will want to make ten million dollars more. If you make ten million dollars, you will want to make one hundred million dollars more. Do you understand?"

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