Chapter 160: Cold-blooded

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Lying there in the dark, He Ruanliang’s rotund form was a bleeding mess, his wide eyes with fear as sweat ran down his thick, chinless face. He stared at Xiao Luo’s depraved smile in abject terror, to the point he dared not even breathe. Those four short words from Xiao Luo told him everything he needed to know about what was about to happen to him. Wasn’t this the man who single-handedly confronted the Dragon Gang in the September 12th incident? Gang enforcer, Guo Jianghu had led more than a hundred of his fighters against Xiao Luo. But the Red Cudgel was defeated and killed along with all his gang members that fateful night.

He had heard from an inside source he had in the JC that a single fighter had annihilated an entire group of gangsters in that incident. By some providence, he had been helped through certain actions taken by JC.

Could the twelve-nine incident have anything to do with this man?

Random thoughts flashed through his mind without any logical reason as he shrank in fear from the ominous presence of his tormentor, Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo reached for the knife sticking out of He Ruanliang’s left shoulder, gripped it tightly and yanked it out. As he did so, he said in that familiar cold voice, “Long Sankui gloats about his three thousand fighters. I’ll arrange for him three thousand coffins!”

Without a further word, the blade came down and pierced He Ruanlaing’s open palm, pinning it to the ground.


The pain was unbearable! And the screams now unrestrained.

Xiao Luo smiled cruelly. He once again withdrew the blade from the impaled palm. His attention wandered to other parts of He Ruanliang’s shivering body, as the fat man whimpered. Xiao Luo wielded his bladé like a surgeon’s scalpel as he filleted the fleshy parts of his victim’s torso, like a knife through butter. He Ruanliang lost control of all bodily functions, shamelessly discharging his fluids amid cries of pain and anguish. His screams echoed in the empty space.

In a matter of minutes, He Ruanliang had turned into a bloody mess of flesh and blood. Strips of flesh hung like ribbons where his shirt had been ripped off. Blood flowed copiously from his open wounds. What was left of his garments was stained in a morbid red. A gaping mark was drawn across his forehead, revealing the white bone of his skull. The cut was deep and continued down to the right side of his chin, causing his face to appear like it was falling off to one side.

He Ruanliang’s body now twitched uncontrollably, as if in his last throes of death. His body was soon coming into a state of shock, and he only stared blankly at Xiao Luo. He was trying to speak. His mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water, even as choked in his own blood. In his mind, he begging for his life. He couldn’t have imagined he would die such a horrific death.

Xiao Luo finally stood up. He looked down at He Ruanliang with no emotion, as if admiring a piece of fine art.

Xiao Luo didn’t plan on taking his life with a single strike, and he wanted to quietly watch this man suffer in pain and grow in despair before he finally died. He had no intention of giving this man a quick death. It would be a long and painful one.


The high-pitched report of a handgun pierced the silence.

A single bullet sped through the darkness and found its mark, hitting Xiao Luo on the rear of his left shoulder. The impact from the low-velocity round threw him forward, almost tripping him over.

Within a split second, he had identified the direction of the shooter, and instinctively he immediately grabbed He Ruanliang off the ground. Xiao Luo pulled him up and held him like a human shield.

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