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"Are you done reading through the script?"

Jungkook lifted his head, closing the manuscript. The boy placed it on the coffee table in front of him.

He straightened his legs and spoke, "I just got to the part where I have to dance contemporary. Have you forgotten I majored in acting and  pop dance?"

His manager scratched his head and sat opposite the boy. He leaned in and stared jungkook in the eyes.

"They want you in this film, and it's going to pay big, and I haven't forgotten what you've majored in kook, it's just that they were practically begging, and I felt extremely awkward.

"You felt awkward and said yes." jungkook folded his arms and glared at his manager.

"Don't worry! I have a solution. " his manager lifted his hands and flapped them around the movements, making jungkook let out a chuckle.

"And what is your solution," he asked, wiping the smile off of his face, still pretending to be mad.

"You will attend contemporary dance classes!" He spoke excitedly.

Jungkook stared at his manager, uncrossing his arms. The boy fell backward on his chair.

"You want to send me back to school," jungkook said, adding a bit of a dramatic tone to his words.

"Can you not do that?" his manager rolled his eyes.

"I don't wanna go back to school," jungkook whined.

"Money" was all his manager let out

Jungkook sat straight and looked at his manager.

"Money?" Jungkook said in a small voice

His manager smirked, "You'll get paid to attend these classes."

His manager knew how to get him to do things, just add money into it, and the boy would be up and gone.

"Fine, I'll take the classes since you insist," jungkook said, getting up from his seat.

His manager gave him a thumbs up and made a gesture for the boy to leave the room, jungkook happily oblige.


"Now please be nice to your instructor, don't give him a hard time as you did to the last one."

"It wasn't my fault he was so rude taking me for a child just because I've never learned this style doesn't mean you can baby me and be a fucking creep" jungkook defended himself.

The boy had gone to the dance studio to learn the dance required for his new movie yet the instructor was getting on the actor's nerves that he ended up 'accidentally' hitting him in the crotch area, the instructor fell from the pain and fracture his ankle not being able to teach anymore.

His manager had come to the scene and pulled jungkook away from the instructor's murderous eyes.

" you are lucky the company loves you, they found you another instructor"

"Now when you go please don't try to kill him"

Jungkook sighed once more and let his head fall against the window of the car.


" Now go" his manager rushed him to leave the car.

Jungkook rolled his eyes took his duffle bag and got out of the car and towards the dance studio.

He looked at the building and found the name quite adorable. "Angel's studio"

"Go!" He heard his manager yell, bringing him back to reality the boy ran into the building.

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