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Jimin looked at jungkooks expression and let out a chuckle.

" yes this is the jocker"

Jimin looked at the artist and patted his shoulder.

" And this is jungkook a well-known actor"

Hoseok turned to jimin and nodded his head.

"I know I've watched some films and he was in them"

" nice to meet you" hoseok offered his hand and jungkook extended both and engulfed the rapper's hands.

"Nice to meet you too" jungkook stuttered.

Letting go of the man's hand jungkook looked between his instructor and the rapper, hoseok had an arm around jimins waist.

Jimin realized the reason why jungkook had gone quiet and was looking at the two, who seemed attached at the hip.

"He is my boyfriend" jimin announced.

Jungkook felt like his heart was in his throat once again the heavy feelings were back and this time they came with his thoughts confirmed.

"Oh.." jungkook let out as he sighed.

Hoseok looked at the boy and blurted out his thoughts with no hesitation.

"Do you like jimin?"

Jungkook stunned feeling as if he got caught felt extremely sweaty, and heat pulsed through his body.

He opened his mouth to decline not wanting to ruin a relationship yet nothing left his mouth.

"It's okay," hoseok said letting out a chuckle.

Jimin hit hoseok on the shoulder and sighed.

" stop scaring him"

"But it's the truth" hoseok announced rubbing the pain away.

Jungkook looked confused about how was it okay for him to like someone who was already in a relationship.

Hoseok turned to jungkook and spoke "I don't know if you are familiar with the concept but if you are serious about jimin then go ahead"

He finished moving away from jimin, who seemed unfazed by hoseoks behavior.

Jungkook was utterly confused about how was hoseok so at ease with the idea of someone asking his boyfriend out.

Jimin looked at jungkook and sighed "I am so sorry for this, don't take what he says so seriously, I know you don't have those feelings for me"

Jimin waved a hand in a way to dismiss the previous conversation and turned around to get ready for jungkooks lesson.

"But I do" jungkook blurted out mind hazy from every emotion.

"Hah! I knew it!" Hoseok yelled clapping his hands together.

Jimin turned to look at jungkook once again.

"Are you serious?" He asked a bit shocked.

" Well I realized not long ago but I am serious"

Jimin looked at hoseok who shrugged his shoulder with a sweet smile on his face, the boy turned to his student.

"I like you too, but you do understand that I'm not going to leave hoseok right?"

Jungkook was stunned, jimin liked him back.

"I'm not quite following, how can you-" before he could finish his sentence hoseok tapped his shoulder.

Smiling the rapper spoke " we are in a polyamorous relationship and we have another person in our lives, if you are comfortable with the concept then I and our partner would not mind you going out with jimin"

Jungkook tried to take in all that the other had said.

"It seems like this is too much information, I'll let you guys get started and we can talk about this later"

Hoseok patted jungkook on the shoulder and moved to give jimin a peck " I'll let Joon know about this" he whispered to the boy and left.

"Forget that let's get started"



Jungkook sighed in frustration and threw his script on the glass table.

"What's wrong jungkook?" Namjoon asked as he lifted his head from his file.

"I'm having a bit of a hard time emerging into the emotions of the character."

"Why is that? usually, you are great at this" namjoon placed his file on the table in a much more gentle way than how jungkook had done.

Jungkook puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms "well maybe because I don't have the experience"

Namjoon lifted an eyebrow and took a hold of jungkooks script.

Scanning over it namjoon let out a chuckle.

"Is this your way of saying you want to be kissed in the rain?"

Jungkook looked at namjoon and a smile crept on his face.

" maybe" he mumbled uncrossing his arms.

Namjoon laughed at jungkooks cheeky way of asking for things and gestured for the boy to come closer.

Jungkook got up from his seat and walked toward namjoon who pulled him in his lap.

"Why not just ask? ill kiss you in a heartbeat"

Jungkook wrapped his arms around namjoons shoulders and inched closer.

" then" he whispered

" kiss me now" namjoon took a hold of jungkooks nape and pulled the boy in for a rough kiss.

Jungkook let out a moan, namjoon pulled away making the younger whine for more.

Namjoon pushed the boy  off of his lap and laid him on the sofa.

Climbing on top the older connected their lips once more.

Jungkook let out a satisfied sigh once namjoon pulled away once more yet stayed on top of the boy.

Jungkook smiled and namjoon lowered to kiss the boy's neck.

Startled by a loud noise namjoon pulled away from the boy, both turned toward the noise realizing it was thunder and soon after rain started pouring.

Namjoon looked at jungkook not giving the boy a chance pulled him off the sofa and toward their open balcony.

Jungkook laughed as namjoon dragged him toward the open door.

In seconds the boys were drenched.

Namjoon pulled the boy closer.

In a much softer approach than before placed a hand on the boy's nape.

Inching closer namjoon whispered, "will you do me the honor of being the one to give you this experience?"

Jungkook smiled as droplets of water fell from his hair.

"I do" he whispered back and namjoon pulled him into the softest kiss he had ever given his husband before.

Jungkook was filled with warmth.


Hiiii everyone!!! Thank you so much for your patience with my lack of updates.

I apologize as always life gets the best of me and I don't get time to unwind and take a moment to do what I love the most.

I do hope u enjoyed this chapter even tho I feel like it's a bit shorter than the rest.

And so let me know what you think of the story so far.


Take care of yourselves. 🩷🩵💜

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