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I watched as Margo played on the porch with her new golden retriever.

I had to admit. This new life was relaxing.

We had bought a nice house in Wyoming. It wasn't my style, but it was definitely Margo's. As long as she was happy I was happy.

I still had to go back to Croatia on weekdays, but weekends were for her and I.

She trained the small puppy, giving it treats.

His name was Thomas. Yes, after my fake name on the mission. She called him Tommy boy.

She was the happiest I've ever seen her here. She had two horses for us, and a couple barn cats. We had a huge guest house for my men if they were here, as well as Suzanne, which was right on time.

We watched her pull up. Margo smiled as Thomas sat next to her.

"Hi." Mar said to Suzanne. Suz sat down next to the dog.

The dog ran over and jumped up onto my lap. I gave Margo a look.

I didn't care for dogs, but then again I hated cats. Who likes cats?

I told her to get a German Shepard. For that she said to 'get a life and smile for once'. So now we have this.

I carefully pet the dog. He started licking my face.

"Ew okay." I said. It panted lightly. I lifted his little floppy ears up.

"You can act like you like it at least." Margo said.

"I am. Cant you see?"

Suzanne snickered. I stood up with the puppy in my arms, taking him inside.

I set him down on the couch as he grabbed a toy. Margo and Suzanne came inside.

"I never thought I would see Lloyd Hansen wearing a flannel and jeans like this but here we are." Suzanne said.

"I'm trying out a new style." I said. Margo smiled.

"Doesn't he look handsome as ever." Mar said.

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a beer from the fridge. "You're both something else."

Suzanne and Margo smiled at each other. I went to go sit by Thomas.

"See I like Thomas. He's quiet and doesn't make fun of my clothes." I said as I took off my boots and put my feet up. I took a swig of the beer.

Margo rolled her eyes. I smiled.

Thomas rested his head on my thigh. Margo smiled and kissed my cheek.

Margo kissed Thomas's head as we sat in bed. He was snuggled up on her chest.

"This dog is taking my girlfriend." I said as I kissed Margo's cheek.

She smiled and squished his chubby cheeks.

"Yeah. Well he's sweet and he snuggles and.."

I wrapped my arm around her. She smiled and leaned into me more.

"He's so cute."

"God if you're like this with a baby I can't imagine a kid." I said. She smiled.

"Yeah well."

I turned her head. "Yeah well what?"

"Nothing." She said.

"Are you pregnant?"

She laughed. "No oh my god. I would never keep that from you."

I sighed and rested back. "Cause if you were..."

"If I was we would be okay. But I'm not, and that's okay too."

I nodded, petting Tommy's head.

"If we did have a baby they would have your blue eyes and your cute round cheeks and perfect teeth."

"You have baby fever."

"Noooo." She said sarcastically.

"If we had a baby, they would have your wavy hair and your bad eyesight and your cute little baby hands."

"Okay." She said. I chuckled.

"We would make damn good looking kids."

"Yes we would."

"I could imagine you getting mad over a show stopping girl bringing her first boy home. Your guns out on the table."

I smiled. "And her name would have Anne in it. Right Anne Hansen?"

"Mhm. And she would learn to ride a horse and she would grow up just like me. She gets none of your asshole genes. She's allowed to have your sass though. And she would have parents that love her very much and..."

I pulled her into a kiss. She melted.

"And she would have her parents there, and not only there, but attentively there." I whispered. "Because that's what she deserves."


"Maybe a kid with you wouldn't be awful." I said.

She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. "Marry me first."

"Yes ma'am."

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