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I sat at the bathroom counter, crying.

Three pregnancy tests sat on the counter. Lloyd wasn't home.

I was pregnant.

I tried calling him, but he wasn't answering.

I didn't know if I was happy or not. I knew we would be good parents, and we wouldn't be sad if we are. But I needed him to know.

Until I heard the door open. I walked out, seeing Lloyd. He looked exhausted.

"Hey." He said. "Woah. What's wrong?"

I ran over and pulled myself up to hug him, still crying. He held me tight.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm- I'm pregnant." I cried. He stared at me, no emotion. I cried harder.

" sweetheart I'm so happy."

He held me close, holding me softly. "I wouldn't have hugged you so tight."

I chuckled through the tears.

"Hey. This is happy." He said. He kissed my forehead.

"I don't know why I'm so emotional." I said.

"Probably because you're pregnant."

"Shut up." I whispered and smiled. "I tried calling you."

"My phones dead." He said. "God you are worked up Mrs. Hansen. You're okay. I mean it's been two months since you've taken your birth control. It's kind of expected."

I rested my head on his shoulder, still crying. He chuckled and moved to my level.

"You are fine. This is a good thing." He said. I nodded. He kissed me softly.

"I love you. So much sweetheart."

I nodded. He pulled me into another hug.

"Now...let's get some food because you look like you might kill someone."

"Don't baby me just because I'm pregnant." I said.

Lloyd gave me a look. I gave him one back.

"You're gonna get babied. But I'll take you into the doctors this week. I'm off for five days."

I nodded. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He said. He pulled me away and put my hair behind my ears. "Are you okay though? You feel alright?"

I nodded. "I mean I've been throwing up but I thought I was just sick so I stayed in bed for a day, but I'm always hungry and I was mad because Thomas was chewing his food weird and I thought I was maybe getting on my period. I don't know."

He nodded, going into the kitchen. I sat at the island while he made me some caffeine free tea.

I rested my head back. Lloyd stared at me as the water was heating up.

"I'm sorry for not answering." He said.

"You're fine. I'm just...I knew it was gonna happen I'm just scared."

"Margo." Lloyd said one night as he came into the bedroom. I was brushing my hair.

"Yeah." I said. I started braiding my hair. Lloyd came over and grabbed the strands, braiding it for me. I smiled softly.

"I want to talk about something." He said. I looked at him in the mirror as I handed over a hair tie.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing bad I promise. I just have...okay. What if you stopped taking your birth control. I know we had a little conversation about kids and we've been married for a month. If not it's okay but..."

"Yes. It's kinda now or never for me." I said.

His face lit up a little. He hugged me from behind, staring at me in the mirror.

"I think seeing little cowchildren running around would be fun."

"I agree cowboy." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You're aloud to feel nervous and scared. This shit is scary."

I sighed and rested my head down on the marble.

"What do you need?" He asked.

"Popcorn and a movie." I said. "And a lot of cuddles."

He smiled. "What happened to not being babied?"

"It's out the window." I said.

The thought of an actual thing growing inside of me was weird. I didn't like the thought of it. It was Lloyds dna with mine. Yuck.

"Hey. I can tell you're overthinking right now. Stop."

I smiled. "I have a tiny little bean growing inside of me from your jizz. Yeah I'm overthinking."

"Well don't think about it like that." He said. "Think about it like..."

"Little fishies swam into my uterus, found their own little mate, and started fucking themselves."

"I don't think that's accurate." He said as he sat down next to me. I smiled.

"Your cum ran up into my womb and..."

"Margo. Stop." He said, laughing. I sipped on the tea he brought me.

"'s still weird."

"That's what sex is babe." He said. "And I'm pretty damn surprised you just got pregnant now. I'm glad you're military with birth control."

"Yeah cause you're a sex addict."

"Hey. No. I just really...really like sex with you." He said. "And you know that."

"Aweeee that's the most romantic thing you've ever said!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh whatever." He said. "But seriously. Whatever you need, I'm gonna give you in a heartbeat. That little kid is gonna be spoiled rotten."

"Or we will teach them how to be nice people." I said.

"That too. Yeah. Whichever."

I rolled my eyes. God my stupid, adorable husband.

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