Ch. 10) This Feeling

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Ghost's POV

'The Akuma. I've heard about her ever since I joined the military. When she killed all those soldiers, everybodies ears and mouths were full with the news; the most dangerous organization in the world, was gone. Everybody was making presumptions if she was the one who poisoned her parents to dethrone them and take over, but confused when they found out she killed all the men they had as well. They all started to get scared when nobody heard any movement coming from their side, until we all finally realised they were over for good. But she didn't get her title from that.

Then, everytime there came a mission, it would magically be resolved like it was nothing. Come to find out, someone from a different task force was giving intel to the person who was the one completing them, but nobody knew who it was. It had to be somebody who has powerful and had experience, everyone just called them The Akuma because they'd draw devil horns on the wall with the blood of their victims. We realized a pattern though, there were never any signs of firearm use on their victims, there was no bullet wounds only stab wounds. We also realized that she got mostly involved into things that the military would look past like; sex trafficking, kidnappers, or even just going after individual rapists. Only the top positions in the military knew who The Akuma was;

"She slipped up and left a blade on the sight that had l/n engraved on it, so it's definitely her." That's what price said to me when I asked him if he was sure. "It's important we keep this confidential so people don't start freaking out and taking unnecessary precautions because of her history, it's obvious she isn't nor trying to do anything harmful."  He said.'

'When I saw her, well, it's just not what I was expecting, I'm not sure what I was expecting, but, it wasn't that. Not to mention the fact that she's the only person that doesn't seem in the slightest bit scared or intimidated by me. Apart of me is irritated as to know why, maybe it's because she's dealt with worse people. But even so, I work with hundreds of people that have experienced things they'll never forget and yet, they are.' 

'why not her'

'The way her eyes were filled with nothing but pure adoration when she found that kitten, the way she always tries to test my patience, the snarky and bold comments that fly out of her mouth with ease, when I stare at her she stares right back, and.. what the bloody fucking hell am I even going on about. I'm here to do a mission, and so is she, that's it. That's all, and that's all it will ever be.'

'Although, I can't help but ignore the feeling I got, the feeling I got when I saw her dreaming. I couldn't help but, want to protect her. It's fucking stupid, protecting someone like her, I'm well aware she's way more capable than just even protecting herself, but yet I felt the urgency.

'Why did I feel  the need to do the same when that imbicule of a soldier was acting up, why did I start feeling heated when I saw all of those other soldiers looking at her, why did I defend her to the Captain, why did I offer to walk her outside, why did I stick by her side even when we got back from the walk, why did I follow her into the training area, why do I always feel like I want to be around her.

'For some odd reason I feel like I've known her or at least have met her before.'

"Hey Ghost we're gonna start training soon c'mon" Soap came and said to me then walked away. I spaced back into my thoughts after a couple of seconds.


'I recognize this feeling, 

and I won't let it hurt me again.'


(sorry It's short, dw working on smthn big 😊😊)

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