Ch. 16) Stubborn Search

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After fixing your hair a bit at your bathroom sink you headed out to go meet Captain and Laswell. You opened your bedroom and started to walk to the conference room. While walking you realized you're finally getting at least a little bit more familiar with this place and where everything was. After a couple of wrong turns and realizations you finally had arrived. Opening the door you saw Price laughing about something and Laswell with a serious face, they looked like they were talking before you entered.

"Hey there you are!" Captain said making his laugh come to an end. 

You smiled and sat down on the chair in front of him while Laswell was sitting right next to him. 

"Alright, so what do you got for us?" He said leaning forward anticipating your voice.

"Well, my plans consists of.." You went on the tell them how you wanted to teach them a new move and by the end of the week they had to incorporate them move when they went up against other and you. You also said that you won't start teaching them how to fight with blades just yet but getting them comfortable with the feel and weight of them, for example how much strength they need to use to do certain things and at what angle.

"Good, we're looking forward to seeing their progress." Laswell said and got up not announcing where she was heading to. You got up thinking that the meeting was over until Captain asked you one last thing.

"Oh y/n, also, could you bring in Ghost for me, just tell him to meet me here. I need to him." He said charismatically, keeping his words vague.

"Oh yeah sure." You said and then walked out the door.

You figured that he just wanted to see him for lying to you. Which got you thinking,

'Why did he lie to me?'

You wished you could just brush something like this off, but then again, your curiosity always gets the best of you. Nonetheless, you decided to keep your mouth shut when going to grab Ghost.

After asking around someone told you where his room was located, when you arrived you looked around at the plain room not much that caught your eye. You did however see something lodged under is pillow, you pulled it out and it was a notebook. You didn't know what it was for, you opened it up and saw a date at the top that went back a great while ago.

'He has a diary? no way.'

You immediately shut it letting your curiosity go hungry. Whatever was in there, you know that if Ghost found out you read it, he'd make sure you didn't have a spleen. You put it back under the pillow. After a some short seconds of glancing around and calling his name with no answer you left not seeing any sign of him. You again asked around if anyone had seen him but everyone you spoke to hadn't.

You wandered around, going to the cafeteria, training room, and everywhere in between. You slightly threw your arms in the air dropping them down to make contact with the sides of your legs.

'Where the hell is he?'

You decided to head back to the room quarters because you hadn't looked in one spot. Where your room was. You didn't think he'd be there but he wasn't anywhere else. Heading back up the stairs and passing couple of people you led your mind back to why he would lie to you. It just seemed like such an unnecessary lie, so why would he do it. Was it something instinctive, did he not think about it much, or was there motive behind it. 

'I'm probably just overthinking this and it really meant nothing.' You thought to yourself.

But you still couldn't help but wonder. After getting lost in your mind for a bit you realized you were at your hallway. Approaching your room, you saw as the door opened and that tall muscular man stepped out.

"What the hell are you doing?" You said confronting him.

"Looking for you, what the hell are you doing?"

"Looking for you."

"Where've you been?" He asked.

"Captain wanted me to meet with him, speaking of which, he wants to meet with you." You saw as Ghost ever so slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"For what?"

"I don't know, but maybe it has to deal with something like you lying to me about him not wanting me to train today." You said crossing your arms impatiently waiting for his reasoning.

He looked at you for while, making your eyebrows raise almost saying 'go ahead'. His eyes still gazed at you as now you were confused and felt the awkward tension in the air.

"Umm, are you..going to say something?"

He looked at you for a couple of more seconds then just straight walked away.

"Hey, what the hell? You're not going to tell me why you lied to me?" You said following him.

"You said Captain wanted to meet with me to talk about it, not you."

"Yeah well I at least should get some sort of reasoning since I was the one lied to."

He stayed quiet making you more pissed off, now your curiosity was thirsty and starving. You put yourself in front of him blocking his path

"Tell me or I swear to god I'll kick your ass all over again."

"Really? All over again?"

"Yes, tell me."

"No." He said trying to walked around you but you just shifted to block him again.

"Tell me now."

"I'm not telling you shit."

"What're you hiding, huh?" You asked still blocking him everytime he tried to go around you. 

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because i'm curious."

"You and your stupid curiosity."

"Shut up and tell me."

"Yeah, that wasn't contradicting at all."

Now fed up with his sarcasm you got out the way. He started to walk away but then you kicked the back of his knees causing him to stumble, you were trying to get him on the ground. He quickly recovered standing back up and pushing you onto the nearest wall, pinning you. But that wasn't going to stop you.

"Why won't you tell me? What're you hiding?"

He again just stared at you.

"You're so obnoxious." He says before moving away.

Not pinning you against the wall anymore, he walked away. You clicked your tongue knowing you'd never get it out of him, he was about as stubborn as you, and that says a lot. You saw as he walked down the stairs, heading back to your room. As soon as you entered you were met with soft meows from Orca. You bent down to pet her as she playfully tries to bite your hand. You smiled to yourself while looking at her. Then something caught your attention form the corner of your eye. It was cat toy, but you never got her one.

'Could that be what Ghost was doing in here? But I thought he said he was just looking for me.'

You picked it up, it was one of those general toys the one where it looks a bit like a fish pole having dangly stuff attached to the opposite end of where you hold it. You sat on the floor and dangled it above Orca as she kept trying to grab it. It was so cute you took a recording of it with you phone, you giggled as you played with her enjoying her company. Then your mind gravitate back to Ghost. More curious than ever, you decided you were going to find out why the hell he made up such a stupid lie. You got up and left your room heading downstairs.

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