Ch. 24) My Love Mine All Mine

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The next morning for you was conflicting.. 

You opened your eyes and in 5 seconds you were immediately hit with memories of last night. You had hundreds of thoughts running around in your head. You asked yourself if it was just a dream and then easily dismissed the question. You asked yourself what would happen now, you knew this would confuse things. You were only supposed to focus on the mission, and now you have Ghost invading your thoughts.

You reminisced last night, playing every moment back in your mind. 

The way he spoke

The way he touched you

The way he kissed you

The way he made love to you

You really couldn't wrap your head around the fact, that actually happened. 

As you got up from your bed, ready to start your day, you wondered how interacting with Ghost would be, 

'Will he act differently because of last night?'

'Was yesterday just a one-time thing?'

'Is this leading to a relationship?'

As soon as you started thinking of being with Ghost, you felt something warm in your chest. You couldn't help but smile softly at the thought. You quickly grew aware of what was happening and snapped out of it.

Your attention came back to reality when Orca started meowing for food. As you poured some food into her little bowl, there was a knock at the door.

For some reason, you smiled, you hoped that once you opened the door you'd see Ghost standing there. You pictured him standing in front of your door with flowers in hand, but knowing that was a reach you let the thought go as you approached the door.

You tugged the door open, and you found.. König standing there

"Oh hey.." He said shyly, you could see his eyes squinting signaling he was smiling.

"Hey, Colonel.. what do ya need?" you said rubbing your eyes, trying to wake yourself up.

"Uhm I was wondering.. do you want to go for a walk? It's.. really nice outside and you know.." his words trailed off, his German accent sticking out in certain words.

"Oh, uhm," You thought about it for a second. Your mind couldn't help but trail back to Ghost always reprimanding you to stay away from König, you don't know why though, he seems so sweet... "You know what, sure, maybe it'll help wake me up." You said kindly. Konig politely chuckled in response.

"I'll let you get ready.." He said with a smile, you nodded, closed the door, and got dressed.

Once you were ready and done with putting your shoes on, you opened the door to see him patiently waiting. You chuckled to yourself at the fact that he was standing in the exact same place as when you left him.

"Alright let's go!" You said and he nodded as you both left to take a little stroll.

Heading outside you felt the nice cool breeze of fall. You took a deep relaxing breath in.

"I love this kind of weather.." You said as you walked beside him

"Yes, me too." He said back. You found it funny how the way he acts is completely contradictory to his appearance. You wouldn't expect awkwardness from a man who looks like him. As you walked you admired the sight of the breeze blowing against the grass and trees surrounding you, the sounds of birds chirping in the distance were peaceful. You couldn't help but smile at the experience. Then in half a second, all the memories from last night with Ghost flashed in your mind. Unintentionally, you felt your face started to feel hot. You almost felt embarrassed, as if somehow König would be able to read your mind and know about it. You shook away the thoughts as you began to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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