Ch. 21) Call Me Your Aphrodisiac

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I woke up from a nightmare, like usual. 

Sat up in my bed, I tried to remember what it was about. All I could remember was being in a bar and the floor was full of snakes...for some reason I was abnormally panicked about it. 

I brushed it off as I got out of bed with an effort of a grunt. I quickly and mundanely got ready, leaving my room to head downstairs for some coffee. 

As I started nearing towards the cafe I saw that familiar large figure from last night.

It was him.

I could feel my body slightly heat up, as well as my chest tightened up a bit. He was just..standing there watching over her shoulder. It pissed me off. For what reason? I really couldn't answer that truthfully and/or sincerely. All I know, is that, he did not sit right with me. 

I told myself it was because anybody could be threat now. Anyone could be a threat to her now. Even him. Especially him.

I watched from my peripheral vision as y/n came and sit beside me. I briefly scolded her and she gave me that attitude I pretend to dislike. What caught me off guard though, was that she was defending him. She kept telling me to calm down as if I was overreacting. I'm not overreacting..I staying true to my promise. The promise I made to myself. 

When I saw her in that hospital bed, injured, unconscious, ... in my shirt. I promised myself to protect her no matter what. Seeing what those men almost did to her, ignited something in me. And I'll make sure, till my dying days, anyone who tried anything with her, will be lit to flames with it.

As we rebutled back and forth she then placed her hand on mine. 

I don't know how to explain it

I don't really know what happened

But it felt as if the world paused, and we were the only ones able to move.

I looked down on her hand on top of mine, the size of mine significantly larger than hers. I felt my face warm up slightly.. probably from my mask. My eyes met hers and I saw as they held a gentle look in them. As i looked in her eyes, my chest filled up with something. It seemed..filling. As if there was something missing from me for so long, so long that i hadn't noticed it was missing, and yet I'm reminded of the gap when it's filled up...  with her.

She reassured me and I barely put any effort in a reply, but then König's movement caught my eyes as he walked away, thankfully.

Y/n rolled her eyes at me, as she removed her hand I felt an instinctive small tug down at the corner of my lips. 

"You know, you're the one who looks creepy when you stare at him like that." She says to me.

"I couldn't give one fuck." I said back without hesitation.

I watched as she smiled and chuckled. I stared at her smile until I caught myself and looked away.


I had left Y/n's training a bit earlier than usual since Captain called me into his office to ask how y/n was. As we we're talking he stopped and squinted his eyes at me, like he was trying to figure something out. I questioned his actions and he slightly shrugged and made a comment on about how I was I different in a way but he couldn't figure out what exactly. I don't know what that means so I tried to shrug it off but I couldn't help but linger on the thought. 

I walked back to the training area as I looked at my watch. By now, it should be over.

I saw everyone leaving to go grab food or water, but I couldn't stop y/n anywhere. I figured she stayed behind so I headed to the training area but as I started to approach the doors ... I heard a voice.

His voice.

Before he could finish his sentence I wasted no time. 

"Y/n. I need to talk to you." I said not completely aware of my cold tone. Y/n said her brief goodbye and walked over to me and I tried to keep my cool as I walked out the doors.


She's beautiful.

She's strong.

She's skilled.

She even makes me nervous, although I guess i'd admit it's not super hard to do that.

She's a one of a kind inside and out.

It's a shame.

It truly is such a shame ...

but I was given my orders.



You had finally decided to completely finish unpacking. You walked to your room sort of dreading the responsibility you had put on yourself, you hated unpacking from a short vacation trip let alone all of the boxes in your room. But, nonetheless, you got in your room and sighed before starting.

You decided to make this more enjoyable by playing some music as you grabbed your headphones and put on your go-to playlist.

You emptied the boxes and put stuff away, you decided to do your clothes first. You grabbed the box full of your clothes and dumped them on the floor, but then something caught you off guard. You felt the vibration of something hard hit the floor against on your feet. 

You paused your music as you bent down and searched. Not long after, you found a melted chocolate bar. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused on how it got mixed with your clothes, and thought it must've dropped in you dresser drawers somehow and they accidently packed it. You looked at the bar and decided to make good use of it.

Quickly, you headed downstairs and popped the chocolate bar in the fridge and scurried back up to your room.

You continued unpacking, getting distracted everyone once and a while from your favorite songs. After about an hour and a half, all you had left were some self care toiletries, as you went to pick up the dawned on you.

Your memories flooded over you within seconds.

That chocolate bar...was no ordinary chocolate bar. In fact, you specifically put it in your drawer to not mistake it for a normal one.

It was a strong aphrodisiac chocolate, in other words, a hormone enhancer. 

You quickly took off your headphones getting ready to run down and get it..but you stopped

You stopped when you heard a knock on your door..

followed up by a deep english accent quietly whining your name.


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