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He motioned me into an office that was nearby and told me to wait for him there. I was just about to touch his mind again when I saw a flash of the future. He was bringing me clothes to disguise myself with, and I saw him helping me get out of this place. I stayed put as he asked me. I knew that no one would find me there since I did not see it in the flash of the future I saw. When he returned about a half hour later, he introduced himself as Phil Jones. He asked where I was from.

Phil was not a small man, standing 6'1" and weighing easily 200 pounds. He was a black man with black hair and brown eyes. He had a small patch of hair just above the right eye that was white. That white passed through his eyebrow too, which made it look like he had three eyebrows.  It was funny to see that because only the hair was affected this way.  When he smiled, it was like the entire world was smiling with him. I told him about the Donaldsons, but he only looked at me strangely. He said we would talk more later.

I finished putting on the clothes he brought for me. Next to him, I kind of looked like a midget since I only stood 5 feet five and three-quarter inches tall myself. I was skinny, with brown hair and blue eyes usually. I think I only weighed 135 pounds, soaking wet, with a barbell in my arms if I was lucky. I was in those clothes quickly and I was surprised to see if they actually fit me quite nicely. As we started leaving the office we were in, I begin hearing voices. I knew from past experience that I was hearing a conversation that was a reasonable distance away. In fact, if I were to guess, I would say they were at least a mile away or so, but through closed doors and walls and such, it becomes hard to judge distance accurately. I grabbed Phil's arm and signaled him to wait a minute while I listened in on the conversation, hoping to get some useful info for Phil to use. It was the one tech that had brought Kim's body back into the room earlier. The other voice I did not recognize. The tech was talking about how when he went to get me for more tests, I was gone, and the room was in shambles. The other man was furious about this information. I was telling Phil what I was hearing, and he had this kind of shocked look on his face. I don't think he ever realized just what I was capable of. He then said that they would be triggering the alarm soon, and the whole installation would be on lockdown.

"We better hurry, or it'll be too late," he said. He led, and I followed, but I still kept listening for any more clues as to what we could expect. I soon learned what a mistake that was, though.  The alarms did go off, and I was temporarily made entirely deaf. The blaring of the sirens made me a bit disoriented too.

Phil let me to his Ford Mustang convertible, and we got in. As he was starting the engine, he said, "I don't know what good this is going to do.  They are going to have the gates locked down by the time we get there. They may even have orders to shoot to kill in order to keep you here! Don't look at me like that! You have no idea how valuable you are to them right now! Brother, am I in deep trouble now. I can kiss my pension away for sure after this."  I looked forward again, doing as I was told. He was right, though. I couldn't see how I could be valuable to anyone but that would soon change.

"You leave those obstacles to me. I will deal with them. You just drive," I said. We peeled rubber getting out of there, and sure enough, the gates were closed, and there were a half dozen soldiers with their weapons pointing straight at us. We were still quite a ways from them, but that did not ease Phil's mind since we were approaching them at breakneck Speed. It would not be long before they could start shooting at us, and I was pretty confident that they were not using water guns here. There were also a couple of Jeeps following us, but I wanted to take care of those in front of us first. Even though the Jeeps were gaining, I knew I could take care of them later.

"Lower the top so I can get a look at them directly!" I said.

Phil replied, "At this speed, it will tear the top to ribbons!  I can't do that!"

Coming Home: The Finders SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now