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True to my word, I had driven all night to make it where I was going.  I knew this was going to be a hard trip, but I had to make it.  I finally made it to my destination at a little past noon on the second day of my trip.  I was going to be cutting it close—closer, in fact, than I had wanted two—but this was too important.  I got out of the car and started walking toward the front door.  There on the porch was the all-too-familiar sign that read "Home of the Donaldsons!  Welcome!" I smiled when I saw it.  Suddenly, the door burst open, and I was almost run down by both Mike and Susan, my adopted brother and sister.  They were joined a short time later by bob and Lil, my adopted dad and mom.  We all had a major hug fest right in the front yard for several minutes.  They pulled me inside. They had one million and one questions for me, as I knew they would.  I did answer a few of them before stopping them, saying, " There are some things you need to know, so please give me a second to tell you what happened."

Things got kind of tense for a moment at this point, but they dropped into silence, and I could tell them all what I had to say. I started off by telling them that I now understood what the dreams all meant so long ago.  I also knew why Kim and I were so different from everyone else so long ago.  Then I started with the Major kidnapping us.  I told them everything, and as I expected, mom and Susan to Kim's death the hardest.  When I finished with my recounting of past events, everyone was so quiet.  Finally, it was mom who broke the silence.

" Are you happy there, and are you happy doing this Finder thing?"

" Yeah, I truly am happy doing it and living there.  It is where I really belong.  Look.  I know this must be cheering you up inside.  After all, you tried so hard to make us feel welcome here.  You gave us everything and I will never forget that.  But Kim and I always knew there was something more, someplace else that we belonged.  Well, now I know where that is, and with Kim dead, I owe it to her to live for the both of us.  I just wanted you to know.  I felt I owed you that for all you have done for us." There was not a dry eye in the house right then.  It was the first time that I had seen dad cry.  Both mighty ensues and came over and sat beside me to give me great big hugs.  When mom calmed down a bit, she spoke to me.

" Dear, it doesn't matter what you do with your life.  The only thing that your dad and I have ever wanted is for you two to be happy.  To be honest, we are so glad that you did find your people.  We are delighted that you found the ones that could explain the things we never could.  I just want you to know that I never have and will never be disappointed in you or in Kim. When you both disappeared as you did, we thought you had just run away to find where you belong.  We cried and we did miss you, but there was not a day that went by that your dad and I were not praying and hoping that you were safe and happy."

When I composed myself enough to trust my voice again, I asked if my room was like I had left it.  They both smiled and said yes.  I excused myself and went up to my old room. When I walked inside, all the memories started flooding back into my mind.  I remember the time when Mike and I were playing paratroopers, and my foot got caught on the bunk beds side rail and I almost broke my neck.  I also remembered the time I had a crush on Felicia Wordham down the block.  I looked in the closet, and her initials were still there, carved in the back wall with my pen.  I remember Kim and myself talking late at night when we're supposed to be asleep.  No one ever heard us, which made that easy to get away with.  I remembered the cookouts and outings, the fun times and the not so fun times. 

Finally, I walked over to the nightstand next to the bed and opened the bottom drawer.  Inside was a book with a picture of Kim and me on the front cover.  I took it out and shut the drawer.  I took one more look around, and then I left the room and, with it, the memories, but I was not sad—not anymore.  I walked into Kim's old room and went over to her desk.  She told me that she was working on a project for the family that Christmas.  I opened the main drawer, and then there was the box she said she was keeping it in.  I took it out and closed the drawer, then I left her room and went back downstairs. 

Back in the living room, I was once again facing the family.  I looked at the box from Kim's room and gave it to Susan.

" Kim was working on this for the family for Christmas that year.  Maybe you and mom can finish it." When Susan opened it, she saw the start of a scrapbook of all our family vacations and outings.  Once again, Susan and mom began crying.  This time, though, they were tears of joy rather than sadness, and I knew that they, too, were remembering.  I looked down at the book I was holding.

" This is my old photo album," I said.  " If you don't mind, I would like to keep all the photos of you guys so have something to remember you all by."

Dad was the first to show that he caught on to what I was saying.

" You will be coming back for visits, won't you, son?" Believe me when I say that was the hardest question I have ever had to answer in my life.  The words came to my throat and would not come out.  Everyone was staring at me now, and mom looked the most shocked of everyone.  My mouth felt like it was full of cotton, and my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth.  I swallowed hard and then swallowed once more, hoping to get some moisture into my mouth.  Finally, I found the strength to say what I needed to.  

"As long as the Major is hunting us, you would not be safe with me coming around.  It is better this way for everyone.  When things are safer, than yes, I will come back for visits, but I will not endanger any of you when I don't have to.  I am truly sorry about this but is the only way." Dad stood up and walked over to me.  He took my hand and shook it.  Then he pulled me in and gave me a great big bear hug.  I could feel his chest, and I could tell that he was sobbing. 

He finally let me go, looked at me, and said, " You take good care of yourself now.  If you can, write to us some time.  This door will always be open to you, son."

One by one, they hugged me, kissed me, and shook my hand.  Each wished me well, and then I was in the car and off again.  I don't remember getting onto the highway, nor do I remember the first 300 miles.  Once my head and heart stop being so numb, I thought about what lay ahead for me.  I opened my mind and reached out, spreading outward farther and farther.  I knew I would not feel her, but I had to try. 

At last, I was able to say goodbye without the pain.  Now, I would start living for both of us, just like she would've wanted me to.  I had two excellent reasons now that allowed me to close the door at last on any thoughts of vengeance, and they were Eric and Elizabeth, my new brother and sister.  

The end?  I don't think so!  Be on the lookout for THE NEW FAMILY BEGINS coming soon to a bookstore near you!  Or check out my website at for all the latest info and locations of book signings around the Las Vegas area. 

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