You Hate Each Other

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"I hate you Sawyer," were the last thing you said to him as you slammed the door.

not to long ago Sawyer and you had a useless fight about nothing... again. you used to be the best of friends, you guys being neighbors for so long. that is, until one day, he just started hating you. he would avoid it when you went to the markets to watch him sing. he avoided you when you went to help out with their farm. he had hated you for about six months now, and things were getting gross.

so you slam the door on him, running away from your problems. leaving a helpless Sawyer, heartbroken and guilty at the same time. he had never meant to hate you, but his stupid brother had told him that if you trick your mind into hating someone, you won't like them as much. although it hurt him so to ignore you every time he got to see you, and make nasty comments that would usually be beyond his mind, made him feel terrible.

watching you run as far away as possible, he chases after you, hopefully able to explain the last six months.

you run, run far away, and never looking back. you make it to you tree that you sit in to think, and climb up like a monkey would. reaching the top, you watch as Sawyer strides toward the tree you were sat in, watching him from an aerial view.
"y/n I know your up there," Sawyer comments. "and i know you didn't expect me to come run after you... but in here to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the last brutal six months. it's just, I had started liking my best friend, so, I instinctively go to my brothers for advice. them being the idiots they are told me that you have to trick your brain into the opposite of liking that person, so I started hating them.
"yes, I know it was very dumb on my part, but I tried, I really tried to trick my brain. I started ignoring her. refusing to talk to her, and if I did talk to her, I would make rude, nasty comments. I told my mind 'I hate her beautiful smile. I hate how she is good at everything. I hate her beautiful your/hair color hair. I hate her your/eye color eyes. I hate her wonderful farm fashion sense. I hate how she can play the guitar, piano, and the clarinet. I hate how she can sing beautifully without trying. I hate how she stole my heart.'
"so, yes my brothers are stupid and I know that this won't mean anything but... that person, my best friend, that's you. and... i really like you." Sawyer blushed, looking down at the ground.

"that really was a wonderful speech, sawyer," you reply, jumping from the branch. "oh and... let's just say, I'm in love with my best friend too."

with that goofy smile plastered on his face, he leans in, slightly grazing your lips.

"you don't know how long I've waited to do that s y/n," he smiled.
hey guys!!! sorry it's been a long time... I really like this one and I hope you do too!! anyway... SAWYER WON THE VOICE EVERYONE ITS TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!!!

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