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[Y/n's POV]

The week started off pretty normal. Quieter than usual, I'd like to say. I had my headphones on as I locked my house's door, holding a cigarette in the other hand. I had to go to class, it was 8 in the morning. "Who in their right mind allowed going to class this early?", I groaned under my breath as I lighted my cig. As I arrived at school -a 10 minute walk-, my friend got down from her car, telling me how late to economy we were. And so there went the morning, quiet. It wasn't until I was going home everything changed.

When school ended, I decided I was going to get the groceries for the week as I wasn't too tired and later I'd probably meet my friends to study. Luckily for me, I lived pretty close to the grocery store, so I went home to leave my backpack and get the money.
As I entered the house, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was trying to figure out how my black jeans got even more ripped, as I saw something moving behind me. "Fuck" I said under my breath. <<maybe you're not alone>> <<someone's not making it up to the end of today>>. There they were, those annoying voices again. "Maybe the meds stopped working again...I should call my doctor". <<you're just crazy>>, I went out as I rolled my eyes, checking I had my wallet, keys and phone.

I had a long list of stuff to buy, that meant I would struggle to bring everything home, again. Somehow I always managed to get too much stuff, yet knowing this I still come alone and by foot. Once my stupid self finished with everything, I wondered how I was gonna carry the 5 bags back, without messing up anything AND surviving.
As I walked down the street, I bumped into someone. Poor guy looked at me, probably wondering what the fuck was wrong with me. He had beautiful light brown eyes,  but that was all I could see as he was wearing a mask.
"Hey, are yo-" "IM SO SORRY" I yelled, cutting him off. "I couldn't watch my step because of the bags and I didn't see you I'm sorry". I felt so fucking embarrassed, what a good start of the week. "It's fine, but are you okay? Let me help you" he said, as he picked three of the bags. Normally I wouldn't allow a stranger to walk me home out of nowhere, but I was too relieved I didn't have the weight on me to think. He looked...mysterious. I was trying to find something to talk about, but I was more focused on the mask and grey hoodie. Who the hell wears that at 20°C outside? Would it be rude to ask? I just met him, I don't even know his name or age. He could be a burglar. Or worse, a murderer. Am I being paranoid?

"Hey didn't tell me where you live" I snapped out of my thoughts, realising I didn't thank him either. "I'm sorry, thanks for helping me...I live down this neighbourhood , turning to the right in a few streets." "Okay, I'm Toby btw" I saw his eyes light up in what I think was a smile. "My name is Y/N, nice to meet you Toby". I felt a little awkward, small talk wasn't my strongest point. "Nice to meet you too. Y'know, I live close to your house apparently. How come I've never seen you?". Well that was something to say, it's the first time I see this guy. <<stalker>> <<he's gonna hurt you>>. "I don't know, I usually leave early to school" My house was already close, I couldn't wait to go to my bed and forget about this. "Oh, I haven't gone to school for a while now..." well, he certainly looked older than me, (please don't let him be a creep). I laughed it off, he somehow seemed familiar in some way. Maybe he was a cosplayer or someone famous?

As we reached the house, he dropped the bags off in the front door. "Could I ask for your Instagram or some social media? Maybe having a friend around here could be fun" he asked. I thought about it for a second, but he was being nice. And he didn't seem bad, also giving him my Instagram wouldn't hurt anyone, right? "Yes, ofc, it's @name_13", I was glad I was able to remember it correctly, usually I have to look at it to tell other people. "Thank you, I'll send you a request  later then" then he turned away and left, before I could say anything else.

Shaking this weird feeling off, I brought everything inside and closed the door, making sure I locked it. I put everything in its place and made myself some cup noodles before calling my mom. She usually calls me everyday just to check if I'm still alive, and we chat for a while, even if our relationship isn't the best. Once I finished, I went to my room. I looked at the clock, 4:06 PM. I had to get my schoolwork ready, and also iron some clothes. I went to my desk and FaceTimed my friend to see if we could do homework together and cry about how much we hate it. And maybe tell her about my little encounter with Toby.

And as I was telling her, I got a notification on my Instagram "Toby (@ti_tobs_) has requested to follow you"

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