5- Love Letters

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"I'm headed out, don't break anything! And Sunny, please keep Kel out of the kitchen?" Sunny's mom runs around, picking things up and getting ready to leave. "Oh, I almost forgot." She rummages around in her purse before handing Sunny a 20 dollar bill. "Get yourself a pizza or something of the sort." She smiles, but her mouth twitches with worry.

Sunny nods. He smiles back, one of the patented "Sunny smiles" that weren't really visible, just the way that his eyes twinkled. 

Sunny's mom leaves, leaving Sunny alone with Kel and Sally.

Kel leans back on the couch. "So. Whatcha wanna do Sunny?" He sits Sally on his lap. 

"I dunno. Watch a movie?" Sunny realizes something. "Where are you planning on sleeping?"

"I could take the couch."

"What about Sally?"

"Mama's coming to get her." 

"I see..." Sunny reaches to touch Sally's still small pudgy baby fingers. Sally latches on to Sunny's arm. "Uh... help?" 

"Haha! She likes you!"

Sally is remarkably strong for a baby. But then again, babies tended to be strong. 

"Hm." Sunny pries Sally's hands away from his bare arm. "That kinda hurts."

They spend time chatting, until Kel's mom returns for Sally.

Sunny gets ready for bed again. He picks up the journal Kel gave him. A slip of paper drops to the ground. It has Sunny's name on it, as well as a collection of hearts. 


Sunny, I don't know how to tell you this. But whenever I'm around you, you make my heart race. I can't stop staring at your pictures, I can't stop staring at you. But I'm really, really scared that if I tell you, I'll ruin everything. So please... don't take this the wrong way, Sunny. Because I couldn't bare to lose you. I've never felt this way before, never felt so happy around someone else, you make my heart flutter, Sunny. I would be lying if I said I didn't like you, romantically. But I don't want to ruin our friendship if you don't like me back..


Sunny can feel his face heat up. He rereads it again and again, until he hears a knock on his door.

"Sunny? You alright in there?" Kel's voice is heard.

Sunny scrambles to hide the note, shoving the journal under his pillow. He opens the door. 

"Yeah I'm fine." Sunny tries to play it cool, leaning on the doorframe, but he misses and nearly topples over. It takes him a moment to realize that Kel had caught him. 

"Sorry." Kel looks away. Now that Sunny had read Kel's note... It all made sense. The way Kel acted around Sunny... He felt dumb for not noticing sooner. 

"U-uh... It's okay." Sunny gives a weak smile. "Come in? I guess?" 

The two boys sit a bit awkwardly on Sunny's bed. Sunny doesn't mention the note or anything like that. 


To be continued...

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