Alright, This Bites

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A Lying Witch and a Warden

Warning: Blood

A green haired witch runs through fiery caverns towards her ally, a grim looking man with long platinum blonde hair, and slides to a halt. "Going up?" He quips while interlocking his fingers to create a foothold for her.

"You know me so well." She steps onto his hands and he launches her upwards in a massive back flip. Landing deftly on the top of the cliff she brandishes her staff towards her opponent, a titan sized purple snake, and smirks.

"Foolish child!" He hisses loudly. "You'd challenge me alone? I could swallow you with ease!"

"Azura's never alone!" Her ally jumps into the fray running up the back of the snake and launching himself to land beside the good witch.

"Don't underestimate us, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace."

"And I am Adrian, prince of the night." He unsheathes his long sword and points it at the beast dramatically. Azura drops to one knee beside Adrian holding her staff over her shoulder as the wind begins to pick up.

"Now eat this, Sucka!"

"FIRE!" Azura's staff launches a blast at the Gildersnake. The impact is massive as he writhes in pain.

"No! My only weakness: dying!" The monster collapses into the lava below the two heroes.

----- -----

"And that's the end." Luz notes proudly holding a figure of Azura in one hand and a live snake in the other. This is Luz Noceda a fourteen year old Dominican-American girl. She has tan skin, brownish purple hair styled in a pixie cut, and bright hazel eyes. She wears a half indigo half white hoodie, jean shorts, dark gray leggings, and white loafers.

"The end of what?" An older woman asks. This is Camila Noceda, Luz's mother. The taller student who sat in the chair next to Luz suddenly looks guilty and sinks into his chair.

"Our book report?" He asks timidly holding a figure of Adrian. The snake in Luz's hand hisses and bites the Adrian figure causing the boy's eyes to widen.

This is [Y/N] [L/N] Luz's best friend. [Y/N] is a fifteen years old and has pale [S/C] skin that makes many think he looks sickly. He has long [H/C] hair tied into a ponytail with a black ribbon and light [E/C] eyes. He wore a dark gray jacket that he kept zipped up covering a white shirt, long black pants, black boots, and was about half a head taller than Luz.

"Personally I think we knocked it out of the park." Luz adds seemingly unaware of her friend's apprehension and the general tone of the meeting. The principal, a man named Hal, looks at her in disbelief.

"Your book report is why the both of you are here in the first place." He explains while gesturing to the door. Looking out the door shows students running and screaming with snakes biting there heads. [Y/N] looks even more nervous at that.

"Oh. That's where the backup snakes were." She adds matter of factly.

"Why did we need backup snakes again?" [Y/N] asks. Luz looks thoughtful for a second before shrugging at him, and Camila clears her throat getting the two's attention.

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