Into the Dark

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The Intruder

In the Owl House a few days have after their Hexside adventure and, since Eda is out, Luz is currently filming King much to [Y/N]'s amusement.

"And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the King of Demons." Luz narrates as King struggles with a sock stuck on his nose. "Facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock!"

King grunts as he shreds the duck covered sock before punching the pieces into the floor. "Where are you now, ducky sock?" He cries in victory as [Y/N] stifles a laugh with his hand.

"So, what was so important that we had to come see?" Luz asks.

"Oh, yeah." King grunts as he climbs onto the table. "Human, half human, you've been so obsessed with witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself for," He rips a curtain down revealing a corkboard of photos of various demons, before he puts on a professor's cap and spins the cord on top of it. "Demons 101. Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone." Luz zooms in on him with her camera.

"And cute little paws." Luz says cutely. King sighs in exasperation.

"And cute little paws. True. We live only to create chaos and misery. Our only weaknesses are purified water and passive-aggressive comments. Sometimes." He explains.

"Oh, you guys are sensitive."

"Even demons have inner demons." King tears off one of the pictures on his board to reveal a snarling demon. "Now this is the most powerful demon of all is the Snaggleback. He's a-"

"Bad boy!" Luz finishes while she plays with the camera on her phone , snapping a picture and blinding King with the flash.

"Gah! Luz, pay attention. This information could save your life someday." King whines as he rubs his eyes.

"No, no. I am so paying attention. This is my paying attention face." She nods. "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm." [Y/N] walks up to King's board and takes in the various pictures and info.

"So King, are vampires demons?" He asks

"A great question [Y/N]. Vampires ar-" King is interrupted by a bright flash of lightning then the low rumble of thunder. The three move to the window and see the sky getting dark. "Uh-oh. Looks like it's gonna rain." Luz gasps excitedly.

"I love the rain." She throws the door open and steps outside.

"Hey, wait." King warns as [Y/N] moves next to him.

"What's the matter not a fan of rain? Or is this a weird Boiling Isles thing?" The dhampir looks confused as he makes his way outside. King continues to look concerned so the boy quickly makes his way to Luz. He finds her kneeling down over a flower just as the rain starts, a drop hits the flower causing it to wilt as she falls back in shock.

"Wha-" Before she can even finish her best friend grabs her by the hood attempting to drag her back to the house, just as Eda runs into view.

"Boiling rain! Everybody inside now!" She yells.

"Huh!? / Of course." Luz shouts and [Y/N] groans as they move towards the house. Luz yelps as Eda grabs her arm and violently throws the two kids inside.

"Phew! That was close. But the important thing is you guys didn't get hurt." Eda says proudly as she stretches. Inside the house the two are stuck in tangled mess with the dhampir crushing her.

"Yep." She gasps out. [Y/N] growls as a cup falls off a shelf and smacks his face. "Not hurt. Can't breathe." The pair struggle to quickly untangle themselves before the boy sits up.

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