Poor Choices

493 13 12

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Witches Before Wizards

Luz gasps and sits up seeing King snoring while laying between herself and a sleeping [Y/N]. "It wasn't a dream!" She shouts excitedly. Beside her the young man yawns and slowly sits up rubbing his eyes. His usually well kept long [H/C] hair is an absolute mess not entirely unlike Eda's. Luz let out a giggle. "Now that's something I haven't seen in a while." She pokes his cheek as he playfully glares back at her.

"Not since Miss Camila banned us from having sleepovers after that time we slept on the couch together." The two chuckle at the memory a light red blush dusting there faces. "Now help me deal with this. I'm still sleepy." He yawns again as Luz starts brushing the knots out of his hair and she smirks at him.

"We could always just get you a haircut." She mimes scissors with her fingers.

"Your threats don't work when I know you like playing with my hair so much." Luz doesn't respond as she finishes up her work, tying his hair back with his usual black ribbon. "Thanks." He mumbles before stretching. She stands up and pats his head then makes her way to the window throwing it open and saying.

"Good morning, terrifying fantasy world." A horrifying monster returns the greeting waving to her with it's tentacle before sinking into the boiling sea. "Ughh." She shudders.

"Made a new friend eh?" She sticks her tongue out at him moving over to King and picking him up.

"Good morning, you little cutie-pie." She kisses his head repeatedly as he groans.

"I am not your cutie-pie!"

"Yes you are. / I told you to get used to it." Luz states as [Y/N] deadpans. The girl hugs him tightly before placing him back down.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He sighs before laying back down. The two get dressed and make there way to the bathroom seeing that the door has the ladies symbol and a sign that reads '+ King'.

"So am I not allowed to use this or..." He trails off looking at Luz. "After you." He bows to her. "I'm gonna look around."

"Thank you good sir." She walks backwards into the bathroom barely avoiding the owls that fly out.

[Y/N] makes his way downstairs looking for anything of interest, but now that he's alone he can't stop his mind from replaying the events with Wrath. The bite, the metallic taste, and all of the red. He feels sick to his stomach and placing a hand over his mouth. His head starts hurting as he stumbles.

"You okay?" He turns around in surprise seeing King standing there looking concerned. The feeling subsides as he smiles at the smaller demon.

"Yeah, I'm good. Couldn't go back to sleep?" He asks.

"Need food." He clambers up [Y/N]'s body and perching on his head. The boy chuckles at his antics.

"Sure," he starts to walk away. "Where's the kitchen?" King points in the opposite direction they were going. "I knew that." The two get to the kitchen and King pulls a plate of yellow slop full of eyeballs out of the fridge. "Eww." He shudders his face turning to a look of disgust. He starts to search the fridge and then the cabinets hoping to find something seemingly edible but has little luck. "Got anything a human could eat?" He questions and King shrugs.

"I dunno, but you're a dhampir right? You could probably eat anything you find here." He points out. [Y/N] thinks about it for a second before deciding against it. King plucks an eyeball with the fork and [Y/N] turns away instead of watching.

Eda tiredly walks into the kitchen with Luz, dressed in a robe and witch's hat, hot on her heels. He waves politely at Eda as she passes right by him. He leans over to King, "Not much of a morning person eh?"

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