C A R - R I D E

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Tw: Body shaming

"Am I that girl that you dream of?"—

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"Am I that girl that you dream of?"

"Gosh Belch!" Beth sneered to her impatient brother, who was leaning against her door way with an annoyed expression. "I don't have all day! We still have to pick up the boys!" He responded, shoving her shoulder to show his anger.

Groaning, she quickly slipped on her shoes and book bag. All though she was thankful that her brother was kind enough to give her a ride each morning, she would rather walk.

Belches friends were definitely not the kindest, especially Henry. The blond boy often body shamed the girl and called her inappropriate names. Belch's other friend-Victor- was her best friend. They've known each other since the 5th grade, when he helped her on an art project.

Beth had mixed feelings about Patrick though. He wasn't rude to her, but he was a bit odd. Always watching out for her, and not in a brotherly way. Every guy she tried to talk to ended up with a broken jaw, black eye if they were lucky.

But, the raven haired teen wasn't always like this. Sometimes he would laugh at Henry's jokes about her, or even make some up himself. Those times really hurt.

Beth would be lying if she said she didn't have a crush on him though. Nothing could ever happen between them of course,Belch would make sure of that.

Hearing the front door open, Beth hurriedly dashed down the hallway and to the kitchen, grabbing a blueberry muffin her mother had prepared the night before.

She wore a white sun-dress that went down to her mid thigh. Her brunette hair was hanging down in loose curls, one of her favorite hairstyles to do.

"Maybe cut back on the food." Her mother commented, sipping on coffee with a smirk. Beth let out a barely audible sigh, nodding her head and rushing out the door, her mood now sour.

The siblings family was complicated to say the least. Their mother would often lash out at her daughter over the smallest things. Beth thinks it's because her father left right after she was born, but Belch thinks other wise.
The woman treats her son well though, much to his dismay. He knows it's unfair to his younger sister, but what can he do?

When Beth was settled into the blue Trans-Am, Belch took off, leaving his sister to pick out a CD. One thing the siblings did not argue about was music. Being raised around her big brother, Beth fell in love with rock n' roll. It offered her an escape from reality, and into her own little world.

She pulled out her favorite Metallica album,Ride the Lighting.  The first song to come on was Escape, Beth immediately shaking her head to the music.
Belch just smiled at his little sister,pushing her head softly.
Groaning she turned to him. "Belch we've talked about this! You mess up my hair every time you do that!"

Running her fingers through her hair, she sung along until they slowly pulled up to Patrick's house. Outside stood Vic and Patrick, clearly fighting about something.

Most of the time, the two boys would wait together in the mornings, since they lived on the same street. Opening the door, Patrick roughly pushed Victor in the car,causing them to start arguing again.

Beth went ahead and got out of the front seat, not wanting to deal Henry's wrath. She slid in beside Patrick,smiling up at him.

He gave her a playful smile,placing his hand onto her thigh. Still sniping at her muffin ,she leaned her head onto the lanky boy's shoulder, obviously still fighting against her sleepiness .

"What are you two fighting about this time?" She asked jokingly,watching Patrick take a big chunk out of her breakfast . "This idiot was talking about how he could win more fights than me!" Victor said with disbelief, shaking his head dramatically.

Beth just giggled at her best friend,knowing what Patrick said was factual . "I don't understand why you get mad at me for speaking the truth blondy." Patrick replied, rolling his eyes in amusement.

Belch just ignored the two fighting boys, turning the music up louder. The group pulled to a stop in front of Henry's house, Belch laying on the horn to let him know they'd arrived.

It took Henry 10 whole minutes to walk out of his home, closed eyes hinting that he just woke up. Beth tapped her foot impatiently, knowing that if she were ten minutes late Henry would have her head.

The boy got into the car and slammed the door,showing that he was in a bad mood, which was nothing unusual. Belch turned to Henry,clearly about to speak until he was interrupted. "Can you just fucking drive? We are going to be late because of your slow ass."

Beth's mouth hung wide open as she looked to Victor, who mouthed, 'don't say anything'. She refused to listen though, squirming out of Patrick's grip.

"Actually Henry,your the one who took 10 minutes to get in the car! We're late because of you." She yelled, her face turning a deep shade of pink.  Instinctively, she scooted into Patricks side,his hand coming down over her shoulder in a protective manner.

Henry turned around slowly,making Beth gulp nervously. "How about you stop eating you whale!What you you weigh like 200 pounds?"

It was silent after that. Beth's eyes prickled with tears. Victors body froze, his eyes big with fear for Henry. Everyone knew how Patrick got when something was said about Beth. They also knew how insecure the girl was about her weight.

Belch said nothing,his eyes trained strictly towards the road. If Beth wasn't silently sobbing,she would have felt vibrations from Patricks violent shaking.
He knew something for sure, Henry would never say anything to Beth again.

Beth's Dress:

Welcome to chapter one!Question for this chapter: Who's your favorite character from IT (2017) ?

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Welcome to chapter one!
Question for this chapter:
Who's your favorite character from IT (2017) ?

My answer: Richie!
Bye for now!

My answer: Richie!Bye for now!——

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