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"So you better run

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"So you better run."

Beth's hands were shaking around Patrick's shoulders as they ran through the woods. The two wasted no time turning in the opposite direction, heading for another patch of woods.

Beth was held securely in the boys arms while he dodged tree branches and thorn bushes. "Patrick hurry!" The girl panicked, hearing the clowns merciless laugh echo around them.

The teen's speed increased, the things surrounding them turning into a light blur. "You can't run from me." It's voice snarled, Patrick's movements suddenly stopping.

Beth looked at him in confusion as he stared ahead, trembling in fear. The girl turned to look, letting out a blood hurdling scream.

In front of them stood an army of burning people.
They all had on Derry high uniforms and cheer skirts.  Burns covered all of their body's, but they still had grins on their faces.

One girl pointed to Patrick, laughing humorously. "You I want you!" She yelled. "Your next!"
They all disappeared in a blink of an eye, replaced with the clown.

He laughed at their scared expressions, stepping towards them slowly. "Patrick, go now! I'll have you next time!" The clown sang, his high pitched voice cracking.

The teen just shook his head, his grip tightening on the girl in his arms. "One last chance!" It said, opening its mouth to show many rows of teeth.

Patrick shook his head, tears of fear falling from his eyes. "Pat please!" Beth cried, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He held her tight though, refusing to let go.

After one final shove, she broke free, standing before the monster that haunted her dreams. "Let him go." She demanded, growing tired of being scared.

She was done with being a frightened little girl who need her brother's protection. She no longer wanted to be a burden.

"Yes yes, he can go." The clown cheered, sounding pleased with the outcome of his threat.
Beth turned to her sobbing boyfriend, giving him one last kiss. "I love you Patrick, now get out of here. Tell Belch and Vic that I'll miss them." She sniffled. The girl knew that there was no chance of her survival.

The clown easily over powered her, but she was still going to fight till the end. All of her unused anger suddenly flew to the top, her face turning red.

Burning pain tickled around her body from scratch's and pokes, but she refused to acknowledge it. "Hey bitch!" She yelled, pushing the monsters lower stomach.

Patrick's eyes widened at the fowl language coming from his girlfriend's mouth, a small part of him feeling prideful. The boy also knew that there was nothing he could do, so he ran.
He ran screaming for help.

"I'm here now! All alone!" The rain poured harder now, Beth's hair getting completely soaked. The clowns did as well, his spiky orange hair falling down.

His Doll- Patrick Hockstetter Where stories live. Discover now