Part 12 (Not Again)

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I woke up in the same place I was when I passed out, except it was different. All the lights were off, and the studio looked old and decayed. The paint on the walls was peeling, and there were cobwebs in every corner.  I stood up and tried to open the front door, but of course, it was locked.

"Great, of course it is locked. Why wouldn't it be?" I thought.  "Ok Madz. How do you get out of here? Think, think what could you do to get out of here.  I'm pretty sure Matt wouldn't be so fond of me breaking a window to get out."

"I've got it I'll just call Matt." I say out loud, apparently alerting something because I hear rustling coming from upstairs as I look over I see a dark figure walking down the stairs. As the figure walks down the stairs I see a red glow start to appear "Great, a phantom."  I watch as they walk down the stairs and start walking towards me. "Uhhh what do you want man?" I say sounding more nervous than I would have liked. "You know what I want." The distorted voice says. "Uh no. I don't actually." I reply. "Well why don't I just show you then." The phantom says trying to sound intimidating.

That's when I see it. An injection gun full of Life's Blood in his right hand.  "Really man? You think that is gonna scare me?" I say in the bravest voice I can trying not to sound scared.  "I think I am scaring you." They say as they slowly approach me. "Watch out Madz, you're backed into a corner. Find a way to better ground, And fast."   That voice says.  I look around for a good way get out of here.  "Dang it. Why did I have to pass out by the front desk?"  I thought while figuring out a way to get out from behind said desk.  Finally I spot a way I can get out from behind the desk. I jump over the desk and sprint to the warehouse to leave using the back door. I slam my body against the door in hopes that it would open. Yet again it is locked.  "Great. My only other escape route is locked. Say bye to that plan."  I turn around knowing the phantom is there due to hearing his footsteps as he came closer. "Uhmmmm heyyy fancy meeting you here." I say. I watch as they hold the injection gun up into my sight. "Man I don't know what you are trying to do but I'm not scared. I already have the serum in me. That won't affect me at all." "I hope he doesn't see straight through this lie."  He grabs my arm saying "yeah sure, we'll see about that." "Hey hey hey man can't we just do this a different way? Make me inhale some serum instead?" I say.  "No I don't think that will work." He replies with a smirk as he starts moving the injection gun towards my arm. That is when I remember that if I trigger the motion sensor to one of the cameras then it will alert Matt.  "Ok I already ran past a couple cameras earlies so hopefully the phantom didn't shut them off somehow and Matt is on his way. I just have to stall this as long as possible." 

Using my other arm that the phantom wasn't holding I grabbed their wrist and twisted it in a way where it old be uncomfortable for them to keep holding the injection gun making them drop it.  I pull my other arm out of his grip and run to one of the cameras to trigger the motion sensor.  As the phantom gets closer to me I run upstairs and lock myself in the vault to hopefully get away from the phantom. I swear I was in there for a solid 15 minutes with the occasional bang on the door from the phantom trying to break in. Finally after what seemed like hours I hear Matt calling for me.  "MADZ? MADZ WHERE ARE YOU?" "MATT! I'M IN THE VAULT." I reply but he keeps calling my name like he didn't hear me. That's when everything turns fuzzy.

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