Letharia Vulpina

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Hope and Scott go out to see what's going on and Isaac was on the ground unconscious, while Kira was holding a wire full of electricity, making sure no one gets electrocuted.

"Isaac?" Hope asks as she sees Isaac and goes to check on him

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"Isaac?" Hope asks as she sees Isaac and goes to check on him. He didn't have any pulse. "Scott? He's not breathing. Scott!"
"Stiles is also missing." Allison tells Hope as she heard the Sheriff talking about him.
Two days pass and still no sign of Stiles. Meanwhile, Isaac was still in the hospital and Hope was waiting for him in the hallway. Scott puts his hand on her shoulder as he just arrived. She wakes up.

"You've been here all night?" He asks her"Yeah, they won't let me see him, because we're not relatives

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"You've been here all night?" He asks her
"Yeah, they won't let me see him, because we're not relatives. I told them he doesn't have any." Hope answers
"He's got us. And I got a key card." Melissa says as she opens the door to Isaac's room. He was there, still unconscious. "Be quick."
Hope takes Scott's hand, as she was terrified of what she was seeing.

"Hope takes Scott's hand, as she was terrified of what she was seeing

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"I thought he'll be healing by now." Hope says
"So did I." Scott says and puts his hand on his arm
"Is he in pain?" Hope asks and Scott nods and takes his pain
"It won't heal him, but it helps the pain."
"Let me try something." Hope starts using her magic to heal his wounds
"Wait. Not all of them or people will say something unusual happened."
"I know, no worries. Plus, he's too weak to heal all of the injuries. Can't believe Stiles did this."
"The thing that's controlling him."
"How do we get it out of him?"
"I'm thinking."
Later, in the locker room:
"Listen up, you losers. Whoever sees Stilinski please inform me. As for Isaac, on my desk there's a note for him. Not only you're gonna sign it, you'll also write something meaningful that we'll even make me cry. Who wants to go first? Danny, that's the attitude!" Coach says
"Not Stiles, not even the Oni...it's too quiet." Aiden was telling Scott and Hope
"Yeah, I know. It makes me nervous, too." Scott says
"Do you guys hear that?" Hope asks "It's an emitter, like Argent's."
"It's coming from the basement." Ethan says and they all go to check and find Stiles
"I know what you think. It's me." Stiles says, but the twins go after him
"Hey, stop!" Scott yells, but they won't listen. Hope uses her magic to stop them.
"Let us go!" Aiden yells
"Scott, it's me, I swear! Hope!" Stiles says and looks really scared
"Stiles..." Hope tries to approach him, but Scott stops her.
"I don't know where I've been the last 2 days and what I did, but this is me, I promise." Stiles continues
"You know what happened at the hospital?" Aiden asks
"I know more than that. You see this? It's a blue print of the hospital's electrical wire system. You see those red marks? That's my handwriting. I know I caused the accident. Everything in this bag are something bigger."
"What the hell have you been up to?"
"I think something worse. A lot worse."
As they were looking through the bag, Aiden aks :What you'been up to? Building a terminator?"
"That's a map." Scott says
"Wait. That's my family's car. Where my mom and my sister died." Hope says
"You mean where your father put the traps." Stiles says
Hope, Stiles and Scott go to that place and find Coach training the running team.
"Coach!" Stiles yells
"Listen to me carefully."
Hope and the twins were trying to stop the others from running, while Stiles was looking for the traps, but found a chain.
"Congrats Stilinski. You found a chain. Can now somebody explain to me what the hell is going on?" Coach asks and he activates a trap.

 Can now somebody explain to me what the hell is going on?" Coach asks and he activates a trap

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"Coach!" Scott yells, but an arrow already goes into Coach's stomach.
"Oh crap." He falls "I'm gonna die!"
"Coach, you're not gonna die." Stiles yells
"It's gonna hurt less if you don't move." Ethan tries to say "Stop moving! An ambulance is coming."
"Get back! Give him some room!" Aiden yells to the rest of the students.
"I can heal him." Hope whispers to Scott
"Not here."
"He just passed out." Ethan says
"I could've killed him." Stiles says while trembling "What if it hit his head or throat?"
"It didn't, okay? I will fix it. I don't care about the others." Hope says as she gets the arrow out of Coach.
"What are you doing?" Aiden asks
"Shhh!" Hope starts using her magic to close up the wound.
Stiles's dad comes to see his son, meanwhile Scott and the others find similar tools in Stiles' car, the same ones that Barrow used to make the bomb. Scott texts Kira's dad to go and check at the school's bus. Then, the Sheriff receives a call that a bomb exploded at the police station. They all go to see what happened and find multiple officers on the ground and also Derek and Argent.
"Derek!" Argent yells
"I'm fine." Derek tries to say, but he was clearly injured
"You saved my life."
"Hope, can you do something? Or Scott? To take his pain?" Stiles asks as he was looking at a really injured officer
"Go!" Sheriff yells at them.


Stiles, Scott and Hope meet with Kira at the animal clinic, but they arrive too late, as the Oni make an appearance.
"Stiles! Get inside!" Scott yells and throws him the keys
Scott and Hope start fighting the Oni.
"Hey, Kira! Get inside!" Stiles calls Kira, but she takes down an Oni and takes its sword to fight the rest.
Unfortunately, one of them injures Scott, but Hope takes it down fast.
"Come on! Get him inside!" Stiles says and helps the girls to get Scott inside. Kira tries to get the sword out of Scott, but Stiles stops her and knocks her down.
"Stiles! What the hell are you..." Hope tries to say, but Stiles blows on her face something that mames her fall asleep.

" Hope tries to say, but Stiles blows on her face something that mames her fall asleep

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"I can't kill her, otherwise she will become the tribrid and we can't let that happen. It's just you and me now." Stiles tells Scott as he puts his hand on the sword.
"Please, don't." Scott tells him, but Stiles hurts him more
"It hurts? You need to do your readings, Scott. A nogitsune feeds with chaos and pain. Today you took it from Isaac, then from the Coach and then from the police officer. All of that pain...you took it all. Now, give it to me." He says as he puts his hand on Scott's face and takes the pain. "You really have to learn, Scott. Never trust a fox. They're tricksters. They fool everyone."
"Not everyone." Deaton says and he injects something in his neck, making Stiles pass out. Deaton takes the sword out of Scott.
"What was that? Was that a cure?" Scott asks
"The fox is poisoned, but it's not dead. Not yet."

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