Prologue: Awaken

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"Come one John!" His mother called out.

John Ross groans as he wakes up from his bed before he notices something off. The room around him seems different, almost alien. Confusion clouds his mind as he tries to make sense of his surroundings. Standing up, he stumbles toward the window, pulling back the curtains to reveal a landscape that is decidedly not Earth. Instead, he sees towering spires, strange vehicles darting through the sky, and an unfamiliar cityscape stretching out before him. Panic sets in as John realizes he's not in Kansas anymore, or rather, not on Earth.

'What the hell?' John thought in confusion, the last time he heard his mothers voice was when he was going through Graduation of being a soldier. A US Marine, to be specific. Turing around, he saw what looked like Galactic Basic. His eyes widen as he seems to understand where he is, considering he was a Star Wars fan.

'What is going on?' He thought as he looked into a mirror. But instead of seeing a 32 year old man, what he saw in a mirror was a 18 year old boy. One that was himself when he volunteered to be in the Marines.

John's heart races as he tries to comprehend the impossible situation he's found himself in. The memories flood back as he recalls his years as a devoted Star Wars fan, but now it's not just fantasy-it's his reality.

With his military training kicking in, he quickly assesses his surroundings, trying to formulate a plan for survival in this unfamiliar and potentially dangerous environment. But one thing is clear-he's going to need to adapt fast if he wants to navigate the treacherous waters of the galaxy far, far away.

"John, aren't you up yet?" A voice called out to him. John noticed it sounded like his own mother. And considering he was still human, she probably is too.

"Coming Mom!" John said with his voice sounding like a typical 18 year old.

Hurrying to the door, John opens it to find his mother standing there, looking just as she did back on Earth. The sight brings a wave of relief, but also raises a myriad of questions about how and why he's ended up here.

"Morning, Mom," John says, trying to keep his voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through his mind. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"Oh you know, sweetie, just the usual. It's been tough when the Chancellor raised tax prices and the Companies steeling credits. But thankfully we have this." His Mother, this verson of her anyway, said to John as she prepares a bowl of fruit that John remembers that it was from Naboo.

"Hey mom, I know that this is a weird question to asked, but what planet are we on again, I think I dozed to much that I had a very weird dream." John asked.

John's mother chuckled at this. "You and those dreams of yours. Seriously, you can be a writer, but we are on Raxus Son. One of the few Planets that can actually help us." She said.

John listens to his mother's words, trying to process the information. Raxus Prime-a planet known for its industrial nature and its role in the galaxy's economy. It's starting to sink in that he's truly in the Star Wars universe.

As he eats the Naboo fruit, John's mind races with possibilities and dangers. He knows he needs to tread carefully, especially if he wants to survive and maybe even find a way back home. But for now, he plays along, nodding to his mother as if everything is normal.

"Thanks, Mom." John says with a smile, though his thoughts are far from peaceful. "I'll make sure to make the most of our time here on Raxus Prime."

"Oh, and do be careful around here, Son. I don't want you to get hurt, like whit that cut of yours." John's mother said with a worried tone as she pointed at his head.

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